Physical Effects from Anxiety?


Well-known member
Same. I remember one year, it happened nearly every morning, whether I actually thought I was anxious or not. I had a really bad teacher and I was constantly in trouble of missing the school bus because I got really bad stomach aches 5 minutes before it arrived. I think on a few occasions, I even stayed home entirely because of it.

I hate it, particularly because it's embarrassing. It's one thing to say "I get a lot of headaches" but it's hard to explain away having to take multiple exits/bathroom breaks because you're afraid of having diarrhea in your pants. Especially in highschool where the tacher only allowed to us to go to the bathroom for one minute, and that included the walk to and from the bathroom.

And then on top of that, my SA made me afraid to ask to go to the bathroom so i had A LOT of days where I was sitting somewhere in complete agony over my stomach and praying that I'd get through it, instead of just asking if I could leave for a little bit.

My IBS makes me blow up like the Hindenburg... Gas, builds up to the point where I look like I am pregnant.... And like you, taking multiple trips to the bathroom to try to pass it while I'm there, doesn't always work. So the pain and pressure gets worse as the day progresses, and I can't wait to get home. Oh what fun! Yeah, it is very embarrassing to admit this sort of thing...


I have dark shadow under my eyes, I look like i have insomnia but that's just the effect of depression, anxiety, hunger, etc. I have scary yet cool bad ass eyes..


I have dark shadow under my eyes, I look like i have insomnia but that's just the effect of depression, anxiety, hunger, etc. I have scary yet cool bad ass eyes..

lol, I had that in middle school, people just thought I was a heroin/coke addict.


Well-known member
Also, and what I absolutely hate the most, is that I have these indentations or something on my forehead from wincing or cringing from the pain and getting headaches and feeling anxious. It's permanent at this point, I know it. It's easily seen under lighting. That is basically the reason why I have bangs and probably will for the rest of my life, looool.

I actually have a nice dent on the left side of my forehead. Of course I didn't notice it until my hair started to fall out, though. Although I'll usually tell people that I died a warrior's death in a past life if they mention it, I think it's from that Dungeons & Dragons obsession during my formative years. Try not to think of them as "indentations or something." Instead think how much more interesting your forehead is, and how featureless and boring it would be without them. :D

I took a check to the bank today and I had to actually walk in (needed more slips). I got so shaky I could hardly sign my name and fill out the deposit slip. And to top it all off, the teller was a pretty young woman. So I think I was shaky and stressed out for about the next hour.

That's pretty usual for my anxiety. Shaky all over, heartrate goes up, dry mouth, sweaty palms. Then I usually feel like a prize dunce, and do and say less as my confidence drops. Oh, and I can't forget how it always attaches me to the toilet with a rubber band, too. ;)