An idea


Well-known member
Hear the River Calling


There are times, blessed times, when you suddenly find yourself on the bank of a river and have the opportunity to jump in and ride the flow.

These are the times when coincidences pop up around you, when people appear with the answers to questions you have only barely begun to ask, when you know you are a part of something larger and feel aligned with powerful forces, when the talents and skills you have built up all these years are just are what are required.

When this happens, give thanks, do not be afraid. Follow that feeling. Let yourself go into this flow. Shed your old plans and expectations on the shore and strip down naked. Drop the habits which have been undermining you. Shed the old negative patterns and just plunge in the river and allow yourself to be carried, allow yourself to be swept into the larger current, the greater purpose, even if you do not know where the river will be taking you.

Today, go deep into your meditative place and ask if the river is calling you. Ask if there are signs which have been pointing a certain way. If the answer is no, then that is all right. You are not yet at the river bank and are to continue walking down your path for a time longer. But if the answer is yes, if you hear the roar just through those trees, have the courage to leave this beaten path, make your way through that forest and take the plunge.
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Well-known member
Pay Attention to the Unbidden


As you walk through your day, pay attention to what comes to you unbidden. Are you feeling drawn to look at a particular magazine even though it never interested you before? Did you catch something said on the radio that struck a chord, something that may relate to a change you could make in your approach to life? Did someone mention something in passing that just happened to give you information you were seeking, without even knowing it?

This happens to you all day, every day. Allow yourself to notice. And now, take it one step further and actually take note and follow through. Assume that this piece of information was sent by an angel who knows your dearest dreams. Assume that something wondrous will happen if you follow through and experiment with that new approach that came to you when you heard that one little piece of information.

Consider carrying a small journal and making note of the little thoughts and ideas which come to you, especially those driven by serendipity, happenstance and coincidence. And then, at the end of the day or week, you will have a book full of ideas, little flashes, little thoughts, and you can sit in your peaceful time and see which ones stand out as ideas worthy of your full attention and exploration.

Pay particular attention to the ideas and relationships which are like seedlings. They have not yet attained their full growth and beauty, but they are available to you, as those ideas which have already borne fruit may not be. It is good to have a few seedlings planted in fertile ground and doing their job of growing to maturity, while you go about your life doing other things. Some ideas and relationships take time. Nurture them now and they will reward you with a harvest of golden fruit when the time is right.
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Well-known member
Thank you for posting this stuff this is the best thread I've seen here and I totally agree with the "Pay Attention to the Unbidden ".Recently in some situations that I've encountered some key sentences have come in my way which I've realized where more than coincidence ....this is so true.
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Wow, this thread had teached that I'm a very negative person (by this thread standarts). I think is really nice that this is working for pretty much everyone else, but for some reason the positive thinking don't work for me. I just can't think positive if positive things aren't happening already. I can't pretend to be someone I'm not, I'm too rational, I'm too realistic (and the state of reality makes you look pesimistic when you're just being realistic)

For me there's no "think good things and good things will happen". For me it's "work really fraggin' hard and good things may happen".

Sorry if I depressed someone, I didn't meant to.


Well-known member
Wow, this thread had teached that I'm a very negative person (by this thread standarts). I think is really nice that this is working for pretty much everyone else, but for some reason the positive thinking don't work for me. I just can't think positive if positive things aren't happening already. I can't pretend to be someone I'm not, I'm too rational, I'm too realistic (and the state of reality makes you look pesimistic when you're just being realistic)

For me there's no "think good things and good things will happen". For me it's "work really fraggin' hard and good things may happen".

Sorry if I depressed someone, I didn't meant to.

I think a lot of ppl here think the way you said. A lot of the quotes even recognize that.

Thanks Hods love the updates.


Well-known member
Accept Yourself


Today, accept and love every part of yourself, even those parts of yourself that you most wish to see change.

That which you resist is held into constant being through your resistance. That which you love and accept has a pathway to transform through love.

If you had a friend who gained weight, would you turn from her? Would you tell her that she looked terrible, criticize her for allowing herself to get that way? No, of course not. You would love her, no matter how she looked. You would make sure she felt safe and accepted, no matter what she had done or what had happened to her.

Treat yourself like this, like a dearly loved friend. Accept yourself, approve of yourself, completely, exactly as you are. Embrace every part of yourself as a part of yourself. Give yourself love, unconditional love, and absolute and complete approval. Just as you are. Exactly like this. You are exactly as you should be in this moment.

End the resistance. End the struggle. Accept yourself. Love yourself. And through this unconditional acceptance and love, that which does not belong with you will have an opportunity to slip peacefully away.
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Well-known member
Walk as if you own the world, for you do


Today, walk with your head held high. Walk as if you own the world, for you do. It is your world and you are creating it moment by moment, with your thoughts, your attitude and your actions.

Today, when you walk, hold your chin up high, your shoulders back. Walk relaxed and confident, square with the world. When you pass someone, look them directly in the eye and smile.

And as you do so, as you connect with them and smile, feel the glory of the universe flooding in through you. Feel the crown of your head opening and your own soul self infusing you with joy.

Of course you should be confident. You are everything. You are perfect. You are beautiful. You are.
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Well-known member
I get woken up every morning to the words "act enthusiastic and you'll be enthusiastic" and the days I listen turn out to be awesome haha


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It is All Inside You


Everything in your life will become easier when you make your choices from your center of truth and rightness rather than from your emotions. And by emotions, I mean excitement and anticipation as well as fear and anger. All emotions are responses to expectations and your heart of rightness has no expectations.

In your center of truth and integrity, there is a deep knowingness, a connection to a greater purpose, a connection to more than you alone. A connection to all that is.

You know everything you need to know. It is all inside you. All you need to do is learn to go beneath emotion and access truth. Learn to do this, and you will open up a clear path before you. You will not know what the future holds, but it will unfold before you, step by step, in clarity and wonder.
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Well-known member
You Encompass Your Dearest Dream Now


What is required to create this future you dream of?

It requires that you love now, this moment, and embrace it completely, no matter what it holds. This moment is not to be judged and found wanting. It is.

And from this moment and your attitude toward it springs the next moment and the moment after that. Fill this moment with love, courage, patience, joy and faith and then let the rest flow naturally from that.
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Well-known member
Deepen Your Commitment


Today, no matter what you are doing, deepen your commitment and lift your performance. Lift the level of your activity. Be what you wish to become.

If you are working with people, act more professional in your demeanor, have more presence, exude more confidence. Square back your shoulders and look everyone in the eye.

If you have a task to perform, push away any doubt and apply yourself with energy and commitment. Know that you can accomplish this task better than anyone else in the world.

And if this is a day for relaxation, then commit yourself to being completely one with the moment and entering a state of connection and peace.

All work is good. All work is a noble endeavor if you commit yourself to it and give it your attention.

If you want to be doing more and accomplishing more, then focus on what is before you right now and give it your full attention, infuse it with your energy and commitment. If you want the future to be bright, then shine your light on this moment.
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Well-known member
The Beauty of Life will be Revealed to You


There are days, moments, when life opens to you all her beauty and wonder. Moments when the roses seem to unfold before you, when a drop of dew on the petal contains the entire universe of love and wonder.

There are moments when the leaf in your hand reveals to you all her intricate patterns and each bird that flies across the sky has a message which is sung out for you.

And all you need to do is open to the world, learn to grow quiet and be receptive to her beauty and her messages, her wonder and glory. You are a part of it, connected to it. And as you consciously open to it, the beauty of life will be revealed to you.

Each day, look for moments of peace and beauty. Look for a way to walk from here to there that takes you by the flowers, the grass, under a spreading tree. Look up at the sky and watch the clouds. Pay attention to the birds. Spend little moments here and there, even in walking across the parking lot, in which you consciously become one with the beauty of the world. These little moments will be little drops of water into your well of peace. They will add up, drop by drop, building your center of peace and wonder and will be there for you when you need to be the source of light.
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Well-known member
Make Yourself Ready


The actions you take toward your dreams--the classes, the disciplines, the preparations--are the strongest signal you can send to the universe, much stronger than mere visualizations of an outcome.

When you are truly ready, you have a demo of your latest song ready when the universe sends a record producer to the same party you attend. Your belief in yourself and your talents is so great that you invest your time and energy in their blossoming. And your faith in the great gifts of the universe is so solid that you know you will be presented with opportunities continually and gracefully, as a natural unfolding of yourself within the flow of the universe.

Make yourself ready, fully ready. Then relax and allow the universe to deliver. Be relaxed, open and alert. Notice how articles you need to read just happen to be lying open before you, how someone you meet happens to know someone you should call. Then take a deep breath, fill yourself with courage and act, lift up that phone, talk to that person across the room you feel drawn to.

When you truly devote yourself to readiness, you will be amazed at how strongly the universe responds. And you have what it takes to follow through. After all, you are ready.
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Well-known member
You Encompass Your Dearest Dream Now


What is required to create this future you dream of?

It requires that you love now, this moment, and embrace it completely, no matter what it holds. This moment is not to be judged and found wanting. It is.

And from this moment and your attitude toward it springs the next moment and the moment after that. Fill this moment with love, courage, patience, joy and faith and then let the rest flow naturally from that.
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Well-known member
Glow from Within


Today, be aware of the energy you are projecting. Be aware of its effect on others and its effect on you. You are, at all times, projecting an aura of energy that affects your health, your attitude and the way others perceive you and react to you.

If you are overly critical of others, you will be surrounded by critics. If you are judgmental, you will be surrounded by judges. If you are overreacting emotionally, you will live in a world of drama. If, on the other hand, you are peaceful and centered, caring and compassionate, you will find that the others around you calm down and move into a more peaceful state along with you.

Today, be consciously aware of your thoughts and emotions and how they are translated into energy. Then take your energy out of your mind and center it in your heart and your solar plexus. Find there the light that is burning, the storehouse of energy that you are generating. Then open and allow yourself to glow.

From your center, glow with peace and a deep understanding of your personal truth. This is who you are and you can learn to project it out energetically. And from your heart, glow with love. Take your truth and move it through love, compassion and tolerance before presenting your truth to the world.

Consciously cease reflecting energy from others and instead move to your own storehouse of self-generated energy. You will find that the supply is endless. And the more energy you project from these centers, the more powerful and energetic you will feel. The more you glow from within, the less exhausted you will be from trying to fend off other energies you do not care for. Make your glow so strong, that you are never concerned with what others project. You are glowing with self and truth, love and peace, and it is enough.
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I agree with this mostly. It is indeed true... your mindset basically dictates how you perceive or experience the world... it's amazing how much this is true and how just by changing our thoughts(inner-voice) consciously (instead of just letting them be) we can change how we feel in effect, affecting our lifes so much as to change them dramatically for the better.


Well-known member
I agree with this mostly. It is indeed true... your mindset basically dictates how you perceive or experience the world... it's amazing how much this is true and how just by changing our thoughts(inner-voice) consciously (instead of just letting them be) we can change how we feel in effect, affecting our lifes so much as to change them dramatically for the better.

Forming the new neural pathways =) Its a battle though, a long-term battle.

But doing this also forms core values for yourself. That's key too, as has been mentioned in some of these posts. That forms your core beliefs and who you are. Stuff that can't be taken away from you. Because they ARE you. At your core, at your soul.

Like, Easy is fun-loving, genuine, loyal, determined. Great qualities/values, foundations to build on. To believe in.
Hmm ::eek::. Wow, thanks!

Now why can't a sweet pretty girl say that to me? ::p: Beh! Hey, I'll still take it, thanks man.

Yeah man, you're right - you gotta use what you got ;). Like making "lemonade from lemons" - I think that's what that saying really means :)