Recent content by shinghan

  1. S

    Exposure exercise troubleshooting - Asking strangers random things

    Hey everyone! I've been doing exposure exercises almost everyday. Currently my exercise is to ask people random things like the time, directions, etc. I notice that some days I can ask like five to ten people a day, but there are a couple of days where I don't ask anyone anything which strikes...
  2. S

    Trying to figure out assertiveness ideas

    Hey everyone! I've been going through social anxiety group therapy and now I'm at the point where I should start working on assertiveness. I'm really lost as to how I can do that. I don't have any friends where I'm living since I moved cities. I don't work or volunteer as well so obviously I...
  3. S

    Anyone else feel like they don't ask questions or they are not a critical thinker?

    Hey everyone! Just curious about something. During my group SA sessions, I find that there are a couple of people who are extremely analytical and they seem to ask a lot of questions to themselves. I don't seem to do that much. It's a bit concerning. I find that I rarely question anything that I...
  4. S

    Trying to break down the whole finding a job + interview into manageable steps

    Hey everyone! I recently got into SA group therapy and I can't wait until the next session to ask for help so I am posting it here. I'm having some troubles with breaking down the whole finding a job and interviews into manageable steps. I am writing up a hierarchy so that I can use it as my...
  5. S

    Went to depression support group first time, was afraid to go the next

    My SA is very severe. I signed up for some daytime treatment program and I was required to attend 6 depression support group sessions. I went to the first and couldn't say anything because I was so anxious. I didn't go to the second one. I kind of just want to give up life.
  6. S

    Gaming a lot no interest at all with family

    Anyone else play games a lot? In my case I barely feel any positive emotions. I barely talk with my family even though I live with them. I don't talk or play with my niece and nephew. They just stay in their rooms pretty much all day long. Even my sister I don't talk to much. All I do is play...
  7. S

    Anyone tried something similar to "Psychiatric Day Treatment Program"?

    Hey everyone! I was just wondering if anyone has gone through a program similar to this one: I met a therapist in a local hospital and she mentioned this program and asked if I was interested in it. It took me a few months before I called her back to say I was ready. I'm afraid to go...
  8. S

    Feel weird when my 10 year old nephew sees me playing computer games. Anyone else?

    Hey people! Just posting one of many things that go off in my mind. My sister goes to work from morning until late night. I watch over my niece who is 12 years old and my nephew who is 10 while she is away. For some reason I don't enjoy it when my nephew sees me playing a game on my computer...
  9. S

    Anyone Else Avoid Talking To Close Friends/family?

    As the title says! Just wondering if anyone else avoids talking to close friends/family because you don't want them to know you're not doing well? I've been avoiding my best friends and my family entirely ever since I moved provinces. I've been having a lot more occurrences of severe episodes...
  10. S

    Help with challenging this thought "I might not be able to think of anything to say"

    Help with challenging this thought "I might not be able to think of anything to say" Hey people! I've been recording my thoughts for a while now and found one particular thought to be distressing. When I'm meeting people and about to have a conversation I always think something bad will...
  11. S

    Anyone know of any self-help books or online programs I can check out?

    Hey everyone! For the people who have read and tried self-help books or programs, I was wondering if they could suggest which of them are good. I'm having a lot of troubles picking the right book/program because there's just too many. There's also a lot of different types of therapies, so I...
  12. S

    I really shouldn't be a babysitter...

    Yea so I have social anxiety and depression. Recently my sister asked me if I could look after her son (age 9) and daughter (age 11) while she works 12-14 hours each day as a nurse. I agreed not really knowing what to expect. I am really terrible at watching over children. I don't really talk to...
  13. S

    How do you tell your friends you've been suicidal for a long time?

    As the title says.
  14. S

    How do you find out what skills you're good at to find the perfect career?

    Pretty much what the title says. I'm struggling a lot on how to find what skills I have that I can use to find what type of careers would be worth looking into. Anyone with SA will find it hard to think of anything because they've never been their true selves before. Or that's how I see it in my...
  15. S

    Problems with committing to things

    Anyone else having troubles sticking to things? Like following a self-help book or exercising or anything really and just immediately stop afterwards? Or is it just me? I've tried reading a whole bunch of books and followed a few of the exercises to manage SA/depression and it ends up me barely...