Why am I always tense


Well-known member
Even in times when I'm not feeling anxious I feel like it is in my natural disposition to have contracted muscles, to sit forward in chairs and to generally look on edge. I think this makes other people on edge.
Why can't I just be like everybody else. I think I've improved a bit since last week. There's just some people though that I simply cannot make conversation with. I feel like I'm good at group conversations cause I can just add some input and not have to make conversation because there's already a topic.
I hate this.


Well-known member
I get this as well, sometimes I don't even realize it until I get back home and my posture immediately changes. I never know how to put what I feel well into words so I mostly avoid posting threads like this but you seem to be speaking from my mind XD For me, group conversations can be both good and horrible. Good because like you I only need to put input in, based on what others have said so I don't need to think that much. But horrible because sometimes I feel very left out when I don't have anything to say. This is mostly because they are talking about something I feel inferior in.
I don't have any really great advice to give to this :( but the only thing I can think of is making up for what you look like with what you sound like; the tone of your voice can make you seem more friendly and approachable. A lot of the time I do not even feel friendly but I've gotten used to acting.


Well-known member
haha thanks again for your reply it was very informative and has made me think about things. I feel exactly like you in terms of group conversations. There's some times I feel like I can do well in them and other times it goes awfully because I do not say anything and just worry about not saying anything (instead of concentrating on the topics!). And I find that I am worse in those conversations when it involves people who are extremely naturally sociable and perhaps domineering or have some kind of "social authority" as I see it.
I struggle horrendously with 1 on 1 conversations in person.
However I had an interesting experiment tonight. I rang one of my friends and had a natural and funny conversation that flowed for 30 minutes. And I rang another and struggled for a conversation in any respect. Maybe there are just some people in life you simple will never be able to have a flowing conversastion with? Do you find this?

How are you with 1 on 1 conversations?
(This interests me because I think, from what I've learnt about you on the forums, that our Social Anxiety is pretty similar :p)


Well-known member
Haha I think we do have similar social phobia (although sometimes I question whether I even have it).
1 on 1 conversations are quite similar for me as group conversations. At the moment I am with a group of friends at college, I can talk with them if they're all together but 1 on 1 do find even more awkward. Especially one who is quieter than the other 2, it sometimes helps if the person is more talkative. When we have silences between us I just find it so awkward and it seems to drag on forever. I'm pretty sure she thinks the same but then starts thinking about other stuff whereas I am beating myself up over it, as I always think it's my fault.

But yes, other people and other times particularly when I haven't seen them for a while, I'll have more to say because available topics have piled up overtime. I'll enjoy it (though I have to admit, I think this is mostly because I'm glad that I'm talking, therefore giving off a better impression).
I'm really not sure whether it's simply you won't have perfect, flowing conversation with everyone. Most of the time, I am convinced I could have an OK conversation but it's just my SA holding me back. But perhaps this is asking too much of myself.


Well-known member
I sit like this pretty much all the time too.

Also, some friends I have trouble keeping a conversation going with, while with others, it just overflows. One friend I have, we really just click. We're so similar in our thinking it's scary.
I´m feeling tensed right now, I know what you go through.
I cannot stop my muscles from the tension, and that is very hard to feel.
It pretty much sucks.


Well-known member
I'm like this too. I'm always sitting on the edge of chairs and I've also noticed when I'm in public, my jaw is tense too (Has anyone else experienced that?). I never really notice it until it starts hurting from the tension.


Well-known member
You stole the words from my mouth snowball.
I also question whether I have it. I have been contemplating about whether it is just an obsessive intrusive thought I have whilst socialising that is telling me "you will have nothing to talk about, you will not be able to socialise" but I guess that is social phobia?
However I can still go up to people and function to some extent. It's so strange.

I also feel like that :p If I don't talk to someone for a while and we catch up we have some good conversation and then after that honeymoon period it dies again.

I think I need to practice talking. Forming opinions on "simple things" so to speak. Because for years I have been occupying my thoughts with analysis, playing back social situations. How I could have done better, thinking about other people and what their actions may have meant and generally contemplating very deep subjects which aren't really fun and good to talk about in a conversation. I like to think about the world and how it works and just basically stuff that isn't light.
Maybe I need to go and think about and enjoy the smaller,simpler things.

I was talking to a good friend about this stuff and she was helping me with small talk. She gave me an example about talking about a subject such as: our favourite type of burger, what's on tv, gossip about celebrities and what we would be our perfect house when we're older

As she told me this I immediately thought "but would that conversation have a purpose or a point? etc"
The answer is no it wouldn't! But that is the thing about conversation - it doesn't have to have a point! It is just a way of having fun and passing time etc. I think I need to learn to have non-serious conversations etc.
I think it is an acquired skill to be able to talk about silly non-important subjects one on one. Well it is to me. And I am determined to learn it. I will fight this silly disabling illness!!

Sorry I have completely rambled - perhaps not making sense in places but I am trying to make sense of my thoughts and at the same time share them here to see if anyone relates to them :)


Well-known member
I've been always tense since birth or at least as long as i can remember.

I have more trouble speaking in groups than one-on-one.