What do u think caused your SP?


Well-known member
Well, I was always very, very shy, then I was verbally bullied all through school, so I suppose that made it develop into Social phobia, rather than just shyness...

Sometimes I wonder if I have SP at all - Maybe it's just me and my stupid personality...


My cause is confusing. I didnt have it as a child although I was quiet but not like "the quiet one" who stood out. Its gone worse and worse from 26 to 32 basically because of judgemental people expecting me to act how they expect for a quiet/shy person so I guess I subconciously stay in the box- damn peoplee!!


Well-known member
Im an only child and hate every moment of it. I grew up with no cousins or anything, school didnt even help socially
Nowhere land

Wow old thread!! Oh well whatever. I don't think anything really "caused" it per se, I think I've just always been like this. I don't ever remember being different. There was a sudden change of events or certain factors that caused anything, it's just the way it is. I was even worse as a child, and I would pretend like I didn't even know how to talk because I was so afraid of people!! I don't even know what it's like to be "normal" haha.


My genes, my upbringing, which both comes down to my parents.
And probably there are some more mysterious factors which I have no idea of.


Well-known member
I'm not sure if any of my family has a history of social phobia, but I'm almost positive that my SA was caused by peer rejection at about an age as early as 5 years old, and for much of my elementary years afterward, I continued to be rejected and picked on by my peers.

When they say that kids can be cruel, they are so damn right.


Well-known member
I think its mostly changing countries,this got to be at the top,it was such a shock to me at the time because I dindnt really wanted to,but somethings you just have to do it,so I kinda withdraw when I arrived here,and then maybe genetics,but could be wrose,I have a brother that just shut down,now he has all kinds of mental problems,I dont know if that contributed to it.
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Well-known member
Its always got something to do with genetics, wether it is obvious or not.

Even though my mum died before I found out I had SA, I couldn't be any more certain that she had it at least around my age. Alcohol and drugs sure fixed that though, and instead she had to suffer full blown delusions and hullucinations for the rest of her life. I think I may have gotten through to her one time, when she admitted to me that she thought there WAS a chance she may be psychotic, but all that went out the window when a drop of amber passed through her lips. Ofcourse, the major thing that ****ed her up in the end was tyhat she was in denial, and spent the last few weeks of her life trying to decode all sorts of weird arse shit in the bible (my one true enemy).

By the way everyone, I'm the son of Satan! lol
I know the real reason for my SA but i dont want to share it. One factor is my mother had it, but she died when i was 10, when i was 17 i moved back to Ireland from the UK i had a strong english accent and i did'nt like to talk much with it cause people did'nt understand me or laughed when they heard it
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Well-known member
My SP is because of the reason opposite to you. I was fat! And so I got mocked a lot since a very young age (6 years old). I blame it squarely for my SP personally though one of my therapists also said a family tragedy was to blame too.

As for you wearing extra clothes to look fat, I wear tight underclothes to look thinner!


bullying throughout my teenage years at school and puburty with me I reckon. Wasnt very outgoing anyway as a child but school and changes to my body made it worst. There is a chance I might just slip out of it soon and finally accept who I am.

I need someone to love me............


Well-known member
Wow! This is an EXTREMELY OLD thread. I was only 15 when this thread was created lol. (ok, I have a weird obsession w/ dates and years). Anyway, I was born this way. But I've improved a lot as I've gotten older. I'm definately NOT where I want to be though. But I guess I just gotta take it one day at a time.


Active member
My dad did. He's a narsistic violent alcoholic, who's been telling me what a piece of shit I am my whole life. The beating didn't exactly help with building my confidence either, but the worst part was definitely the constant mental violence.

Thank god he's out of my life for good now.


Well-known member
I think mine was caused by my hyperhidrosis and thoughts about how people really didn't like me a whole lot in high school and early college. My father was also not social at all and actually got frustrated with people more than he did like them so I think I never learned how to be social through him as well.