Your User Name (dont put yourself down)


Well-known member
I agree with the saying that first impressions last. It saddens me when people put themselves down. I try not to openly put myself down and I try to question when do I it down internally.

I do however appreciate that people may choose user names that reflect their experience for this site, so if some have a melancholic edge to them that's fair enough. There are many I find quite clever. :cool:


Well-known member
My avatar is Kakashi in this case a fanart with his face revealed. He looks upon my posts with bemusement.

My user name refers to a type of Irish fairy creature.


Well-known member
^I have always wondered what your username meant, never thought to ask though. Do you grant wishes? :D

The spirit is actually a bit mischievous. :p Most often described as a spectral horse. The first time I came across the name though it was in fiction, the pooka was human-like, a changeling with animal characteristics. Like fox ears and a tail.
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The LostOne

Active member
I dont really agree with the OP that having a negative username is a bad thing.

I feel comfortable here amongst others who understand what its like to live with similar problems, you can talk honestly about how you feel and get support and advice. Having a place to retreat from the world where you can truly be yourself even if its a forum can really help, not feeling pressured to put on a brave face or fake smile or happy username.