Wow I really f***ed up


Well-known member
People make mistakes, it happens. It was one night. If she can't over that, she's not really worth the pain you are causing yourself.

It happened, and now you know. Learned a lesson. Sucks, but there's nothing you can do about it now, except not make the same mistake again in the future. Beating yourself up about it is not going to change what happened. So it's wasted energy.

All you can do is say sorry, explain that the alcohol got the better of you, and just remind her that you respect her and care about her feelings.
People make mistakes, it happens. It was one night. If she can't over that, she's not really worth the pain you are causing yourself.

It happened, and now you know. Learned a lesson. Sucks, but there's nothing you can do about it now, except not make the same mistake again in the future. Beating yourself up about it is not going to change what happened. So it's wasted energy.

All you can do is say sorry, explain that the alcohol got the better of you, and just remind her that you respect her and care about her feelings.

this is exactly is all about making mistakes and learning from then, as long as you learnt the lesson of that night then there is no point in making urself feel any worse then necessary....she won't be, so why should you? most reasonable people will figure out that alcohol and jealousy were the key factors involved and move don't define yourself on what happened on one alcohol fuelled brain snap, don't think your a horrible person, just human, and humans make mistakes.


Well-known member
Some people just don't have the ability to forgive and forget..
In the end thought it's her loss.
Everyone deserves a second chance.


Well-known member
Some people just don't have the ability to forgive and forget..
In the end thought it's her loss.
Everyone deserves a second chance.

Well at this point it's not so much her as it is just me beating myself up. Even though I rationally now I shouldn't because it changes nothing, but I can't help it. I'm trying as best I can.

I followed up in a text to just explain that I know I said some horrible things, ruined her night, and am very sorry. She said she understands that I'm really sorry, she doesn't hold grudges, but needs some time to get over the fact that I talked to her like she is trash and "some hoe." I can respect that. We had a good rapport going before that night, so I can see how this nonsense coming from nowhere from me would hurt alot more than if it were just some random dude at the club. It was jealousy and anger at myself that I viciously turned onto her. Definitely unresolved issues on my part. Just wish they hadn't boiled to the foreground at her expense.

What can I say, it was a colossally stupid move. First attractive woman in a while that I actually had a good start with, even flirted a little throughout the weeks before, and I totally sabotage all of it in the span of 1-2 hours. I suppose the alcohol brought the feeling deep down inside of me to the surface that I don't matter enough that I could hurt someone else's feelings like this. Guess I was wrong on that.