Would negative depressing music affect your SA in a negative way


Well-known member
Would negative depressing music affect your SA in a negative way. I love music and would never stop listening to a track just because it`s depressing. It doesn`t really affect my SA personally. How about you guys, does negative depressing music help you feel better or worse.
It might affect my mood at that particular moment. Being emotional might cause me to be a little more anxious at the time, but not very significantly, and also not permanently. :3


Would negative depressing music affect your SA in a negative way. I love music and would never stop listening to a track just because it`s depressing. It doesn`t really affect my SA personally. How about you guys, does negative depressing music help you feel better or worse.

It usually makes me feel better..or atleast understood somehow. Put on some elliott smith or catpower. Im really into this song called my love by sia. I love mellow music. some people say its depressing but for me its peaceful.


Well-known member
Negative, depressing music doesn't adversely affect my SA. It does make me feel a bit better when I'm feeling down, though.


not actually Fiona Apple
I not sure if I would say it makes me feel better, but my emotions towards it are much stronger. It's interesting how you put "negative" depressing, because I had always thought there were different kinds of depressing music and that's a good way to put it. :)
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Well-known member
Somber music just sounds better IMO. I like upbeat music too but the things you can do with a morose sound/mood are just way more moving and cool. Pink Floyd are notoriously depressing but I can't get enough of them.
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Obstacle 1

Well-known member
I tend to match the music to the mood. If I have had bad experiences socially or what not for that day or days prior I tend to prefer dark and aggressive or just depressive music. It helps me vent where I may not be capable of vocalising the same feelings to anyone. But if I have had a good run I tend to listen to happier more upbeat music, and avoid music that may let me 'doubt' my good feelings :D.


Well-known member
I've always been drawn to more depressing music because I relate to it so much more. Angry, bitter music tends to make me feel better, temporarily at least. Stuff by Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, RATM, some Eminem etc. Think it makes me feel more in control... powerful. Darker music turns me on.

definitly true (for me at least).In fact, 'happy' music makes me feel worse since I have the feeling that I'm the only anxious and depressed person on this planet, surrounded by only 'happy' people.::(:


Well-known member
Yes, it affects me greatly. If I listen to depressing music, it usually puts me in a blue mood. Usually when I'm depressed, I'll listen to sad songs just to feed into it. I realize this isn't healthy and is counter productive, but sometimes it feels good to cry and just generally feel sorry for yourself.