Worst nightmare confirmed


Well-known member
tomorrow or sunday my aunt and her daughter and her friend are coming to stay at my house. I rarely see these people and barely no them and have nothing in common with them and at anyone team there's rarely more than 3 people in my house me my mom and dad and my brother is always working.

I dont go outside much accecpt for walks if im up early in the morning when no one is about i feel safe in my house but now basically three strangers will be in my house for three days and i have nothing in common with them and i feel theyll look down on me because im quiet ill probably stay in my room as much as possible but theyll probably come into my room plus ill have to go out to kitchen to eat this is just one almighty frustrating dilemma i would feel more comfortable in the streets

this is like strangers invading your house for 3 days.

Has anyone had a similar situation to this.

I feel physically sick that i have to do this i just want to sleep till they go


Well-known member
You shouldn't see it that way. I understand you and I know that it's really bad to feel like their are invading you, but it can also be a chance to open a little to yourself and try to connect with other people. You can take it as a trainning, just trying to improve your interpersonal communication.

You don't have to fear them, I'm sure you're a nice person and they will love to know you. Take it as an opportunity :)


Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean.I used to get like that any time any guests would come around even if it was extended family...but you'll soon find some way of getting through it and good things always come out of it that makes you feel good.. I used to dwell for ages on any little neghative thing I thought I had said wrong or done wrong but I was still alright..so dont dwell on the future cos it hasnt happened yet focus on now where you can control


Well-known member
Observe your negative self talk. See how you are building it in to something horrible in your mind NOW before anybody has even arrived. Calm down, and try and pay less attention to those negative defeating thoughts. Nobody expects you to be a complete extrovert, so don't put so much pressure on yourself, and also you are not the only person in the house when they arrive.

These kinds of events are actually good practice for you to be around people, and start realising that there is not the kind of pressure on you that you falsely imagine.


Well-known member
I'm like that all the time, with anyone coming to my house. I just live with my bf and have done for 3 yrs. Even if he just on a whim wants a friend to come over for the night, i can't handle it most of the time - and when i can "handle" it, it's me sitting awkwardly and feeling like a complete idiot. My home is my space where i can feel ok and safe - i hate anyone coming into it unless i have really thought about it and want it.


Well-known member
when I lived at home, my aunt and uncle would sometimes visit for a day but I would simply lock myself in my room or leave the house and come back when they were gone. Very simple. I don't need people judging me, I don't need to pretend to care about people I rarely see. Simply not interested.


Well-known member
I have been in similar situations and its very difficult. Best bet is to stock your room with bottled water, nuts etc., so that you have a fallback,if you find it difficult going to kitchen/dining room. The best option would be to just find an excuse and leave the house for three days.