oh did you go for south africa? I was tempted, but I'm getting too cynical in my old age! I stuck with the safe bet!
who are you in the league emu? "I wanna blue"?
i predict algeria demolishes england in this upcoming match
but i hope england wins
Haha, I'm getting almost everything wrong this 2nd round...
yeah that's me. i guess i chose more with my heart than my head.
i see you're doing pretty well. i guess i shouldn't converse with the competition......j/k
close i guess as if england suck so bad england is supposed to be the bomb at football
lol south africa could go through by default
Congrats Emu! Well played mate!....I thought I was gonna make a sneaky comeback for a second there!
awesome game! thanks for setting it up! Made watching the world cup 10 times more fun!