Without the internet i would have no contact with anyone.


Well-known member
I would only have rare contact with one friend. We meet maybe once a year... last year we didn't meet at all, but twice this year.

Without the internet I would probably feel a lot more depressed than I do. I have a wonderful friend on here who helps me so much even though she is across the pond so to speak.

I lost it for a week once and I went absolutely crazy. I always fear I may lose it again.
Same with overcrowded areas, internet gives you a choice with whom to socialize.

I could only dream about be able to afford to live in isolated area, honestly...


Well-known member
well b4 i found this site i wasnt on computers that much , is it a good thing or a bad thing dunno , but i have found its adictive , having said that its down to me weather i go on the computer or not .... you say you live in a isolated place well then its a good thing to be able to talk to people on a computer ..


Well-known member
The internet makes it too easy on everyone. If I didnt have the internet I reckon Id properly move to the city (something If been putting off) and Id be forced to be more outgoing.
As great as the internet is I find myself using it 80% of the time just for sommit to do.
ha ha this reminds me when I'm on holiday, Sometimes I start to miss my laptop.. :D But don't get me wrong, I love being on holiday more then staying at home.. ha ha
I just can't live without internet , It would drive me insane ::p:
Internet is the world of connecting to people , you can talk to people from allover the world, and u can talk with people u know too.
I want to discover many site's more, I'm always google'ing for new site's
it's just my drug :cool:

EDIT; now i see that the title is different.
But I would have contact without internet, but So much less.
The internet is my first to talk to people, second is that i would send a text message on the phone, or call them.
But calling people makes me a bit anxious :( So i rather take my laptop.. :]
And I know it's hard to make friends in real life, on internet it's so much easier
So i can understand why u only got friends online.
But dont worry about it. dont make a problem out of it, try to accept it.
That will make you feel much more calm :)
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