Why wont I fight back?


Hey, I really need your help. There are people at school that make me so angry, bullies. Sometimes it happens to me, but not often, and i really want to stand up for myself but i can't, when it comes to fighting, i always back away but i dont want to. It's so embarrassing, When i get really angry with someone or something i cry and shiver not because im upset though, i think...

But anyway, when im in a situation where i need to stick up for myself i just cant do it, I want to fight just to make them stop. Please help..

You need to tell someone at school that you are been bullied, or maybe your mother..It's better to do it as soon as possible before it goes too far, telling someone is the way out.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Stand for yourself. Fight back once, a few well aimed kicks to shatter some kneecaps, and then those idiots may be a bit more wary to harassing you the next time. They may continue to taunt you and insult you after you lash back at them, but you will have earned a bit of respect in their eyes and they will think twice over pursuing a target that will fight back. It may be a harrowing endeavor, but this is what life is, unfortunately. You must learn to fight for yourself when no one else is able to. For I am certain of this, that our society, your parents, your school, are ill equipped to end bullying. If anything, their intervention will merely intensify it. Thus, the only choice you have left is to defend yourself. There are no lasting consequences that can harm you if you fight back. You have very little to lose.


Well-known member
I agree in the fighting back proposition. But do not fight back for the sole sake of being left alone, no, fight back in protest to the world saying that "NO i will not take this injustice any longer, i am a human being and i demand to be treated as equally as everyone else! let this be a lesson to you world that if anything dares to obstruct the path i walk upon, it shall be dealt with in a swift and merciless fashion that it will not know what had just hit it! I swear to god, vishnu, allah, thor, zeus or whatever holy figure there is that i will split the earth in two just to get even!!" also do it for the other people that do not have the courage yet to stand up for themselves and be liberated.

thats what i had to say


Well-known member
Awww, am sorry to hear about these bullies. Have you told a teacher, a friend, your parents about this at all?

But anyway, when im in a situation where i need to stick up for myself i just cant do it, I want to fight just to make them stop. Please help..

I know exactly how you feel. I was the same too at school. You may not think you can stand up for yourself at the moment, but you will, when you feel like you're gonna break a sudden wave of self belief will burst through. I never thought i'd be able to stand up to the bullys, but a time came where i snapped and thought, "you know what, i dont deserve this!" and told them to back off! I understand it wont always be as easy as just telling them to back off, but when you show you're not gonna take it anymore they will get bored and leave you alone.

Don't take those bullies crap anymore, we're right behind you supporting you here on SPW. :)


Well-known member
Just take aim for between the legs and give it all you have... Kick 'em so hard you lift them off the ground. If that doesn't work then punch em with all that you have right in the adams apple, you just have to know where to hit them. Make it count and give it your all... If it's a gang of them, go for the leader and don't wait for them to come to you... Run right up to him and kick him in the pills. If you take out the leader, chances are the rest will leave you alone... Especially if they see you defend yourself. The other thing to remember with bullies, they pick on you because they get a charge out of seeing you "bleed"... And that can be as simple as seeing you cry or whatnot. So don't give them anything, no reaction, except for defending yourself.


Hehee, im 15 and so are they, maybe I think too much of what they would do to me :l Wish u could help me beat em up :p


uation where i need to stick up for myself i just cant do it, I want to fight just to make them stop. Please help..

It's hard to fight back,I remember trying to help one of my friends before a fight when I was little at school.But for the life of him he couldnt bring himself to hit the other guy in the face.

I dont think that was because he was weak or anything,but violence isnt a nice thing,and unless your put into a situation where your reflexes kick in,it can be hard to force yourself to do somthing everyone is natrualy scared of..I shook with adrenaline for about half an hour the first time I had to defend myself but it does get easier.

And everyone is scared of fighting at first,but bullies feed off picking on the weak,I wouldnt normaly advise any form of violence,but if you stand up for yourself,they wont see you as a walk over next time.you dont have to beat them up,but if they ever get physical with you,try and make sure you hurt one of them.Or confornt them on their own.

If its more mental abuse,the less you react the better.
Hey, I really need your help. There are people at school that make me so angry, bullies. Sometimes it happens to me, but not often, and i really want to stand up for myself but i can't, when it comes to fighting, i always back away but i dont want to. It's so embarrassing, When i get really angry with someone or something i cry and shiver not because im upset though, i think...

But anyway, when im in a situation where i need to stick up for myself i just cant do it, I want to fight just to make them stop. Please help..


You're 15... I was about 15 or 16 when I put an end to all the major bullying which had been going on since i was 5 (by the same person who used to try convince me she was my best friend)...
Please don't let it go on much longer!!

I know its hard to tell somebody and the words "I'm being bullied" have never been known to come out of my mouth. I used to always just say "We're fighting.." I never told anybody the extent to the way this girl and everyone else in the school treated me and were slowly killing me.
It was never physical bullying - always verbal and mental - then there was the fact this girl and my boyfriend at the time (when i was 16/17) got really close just in spite of me! She also used to spread a lot of sick embarrassing rumours. Told people that I tried to hang myself, had lice, and told every guy I was interested in that I wet myself in school!! Then got with my ex (after practically stalking him), and told me he said i was a sh*t kisser!! I'd much rather be beaten to a pulp than put up with the stuff she did to me..

I never admitted to being bullied and got really defensive when that word was used. But it became obvious when eventually i was coming home from school in tears every day.

Wanna know what I did?
I left!

Here's my story - dont read the lot if ya don't want
The day i decided im definitely going to leave was when the girl wrote a letter to me, and insulted my weight. There was something about the teacher that I'd wrote in there too. We were on "good terms" that day... Anyway the teacher brought the letter to the office and we got called up. We were put in two seperate rooms and then i was brought into the room she was in. I told them my side of the story and she started crying (pretending obviously), so I was made out to be the guilty one, just 'cause the vice principal hated me! Charzilla, was the name this girl called me in the letter - embarrassing and hurtful to say the least... When the Vice principal asked me what Rebecca said to me she laughed right into my face and kept repeating it! :(
My aunt was even called in there - i think i was brought home, i can't remember...

Anyway i stuck there for my exams and left afterwards without telling anybody - and went to a new school. i broke up with my boyfriend, after a few months in that school 'cause he kept forcing himself on me and asking me to go "the whole way" with me... but i was young - i wasnt ready to do stuff like that. Besides i met a guy (Dave) who was real nice to me - he helped me through all the problems i was having with Jay. Jay ended up using Rebecca's weight insults against me - My mother forced me to go to the doctor for antidepressants, (i think me and Dave had broken up at this stage) then i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (its only a mild case now i think - thank god) and ended up in counselling on strong anti-depressants which were always changed because they didnt work well enough for me. It was SA i had, not just depression! I still worried nonstop that I'd see her again and be insulted.

I did.

One day (while i was still friends with Jay), i was in town with him and my cousin. Rebecca started screaming "CHARZILLA!!!!" across the road and laughing manically - then we crossed the road and she was insulting my cousin. She moved closer to him, as if she was going to hit him, and it gave me an excuse to snap! Completely...

I jumped on her - i wouldve kept going 'til she was dead, but she was strong. I was kicking, punching, screaming, grabbing hair, the lot!
.....i was still fully aware my dad was sitting in the car this whole time. Eventually she knocked me to the ground and ran away.

I was shaking and crying - not out of shame - but out of anger and frustration - and i was too embarrassed to scream..

My dad drove after her- i don't even know why but he did.. Her friend started saying "is it the fat one", and that hurt like sh*t...

A few days later i bumped into her mother in town. She stopped me to talk to me straight away and basically thanked me for attacking her daughter... She said "Its about time someone f*ckin' did it!" Her own mother knew exactly what she was like!! We even ended up trading numbers!

I saw Rebecca after that and she said "Hi".
I completely ignored her.

She tried to add me on facebook a few times.
I rejected her.

She called into the shop my mother works in and was asking for me.

She tried talking to my friend Patricia asking how I was.

Honestly - after 10 years of making my life HELL she's acting like this.
Now there may be some things wrong with me mentally, but this girl is well and truly clinically insane!!

What I'm saying is run away (not literally), find a way to completely cut these bullies out of your life. Leave the school. Give your parents no choice but to allow you to go! Put any social network profiles you have on private, change your number, and avoid all contact with them!
It worked for me - I'm still messed up after it all but if i stayed longer i might not have been alive here talking to you. I was suicidal, and although i dont know you, i don't want you to go through the same thing i did. Get out while you're young. Trust me, once those bullys are totally gone from your life, the happiness you'll feel will be amazing!

Best of luck kid!! :)


Thanks ever, but please don't think I am being bullied like everyday, but I do get crap from people, its just that I don't really know what to do when they are like... in my face, I want to fight them back, but cant, maybe one day ill just crack and go crazy, I am sorry if I made you think that I am being bullied a lot, but its just the fact that I get scared, and cry with anger, but will not fight....

Thanks again everyone :)


Hello buddy, first of all dont let the bullys make you feel inadequate. The only reason they are bullies is because they feel threatened by you.. A bully usually has problems at home and they only pick on people they know won't fight back. If your not up to fighting them physically then play some mind games with them (once you stand your ground they'll back off) If they start on you in front of people try to make them feel stupid whilst dropping in the "a certain someone told me your dick is the same size of that of a three year old girls" it usually shuts them up and they won't want to get embarrased again!
I'm not encorouging that you start bullying them as that would make you just as bad but just put the little sh*ts back in their place and you shouldnt get anymore problems.
Hope all goes well for you mate, Take care.. God bless.