Why do people quit with antidepressants ?


Well-known member
I read many people quit the first week with antidepressants...
Why can t some people try a little bit longer the positive effects start after 2 months, why would you quit with something you know be positive for you only because of the little side effects.
Arent those people just overacting like woh:eek: it took me 10min longer to get a orgasme !! so what.... sex isn't that important and most of those don't even have a girlfriend...-_-' and other side effects blown way out of proportion it like it made me tired... if that is a good excuse for quiting after 1 week, you even havent tried it.

I just think some people are are blowing the the side effects way out proportion and that way doctors and psychiatrist are doing difficult with prescribing benzodapine anti depressants and other medication....my psychiatrist only gave me 3 pills of 0,25mg kloponin...-_-' because some retard women cried she got addicted from 15 pill 0,25mg kloponin....its ridiculous


Well-known member
i get what you mean, some people give them up to quick for silly reasons but some give them up due to really bad side effects.

ive been on them for about 4 weeks now and only side effect i get is my anger i have no control over it now so been thinking about stopping them but not sure yet.
also its 2 weeks before they start having an effect not 2 months


Well-known member
The side effects CAN be extremely difficult to handle. Brain fog for me was SO unnerving, i cuoldnt work or do anything for a week. I literally felt like id had my brain sucked out.

I have the opposite issue duz, i find my temper gets way out of control if i go off my wellbutrin. I get frustrated and angry so much easier. When im on mine i find it really helps me stay calm and rational. This was a problem my mother had as well.


Well-known member
hmm they made me feel brain-dead, suicidal and I lost my libido how does that HELP anyone not feel depressed? The drug companies are run by sick-o's who only care about making millions if you do the research.


Well-known member
I haven't. I stopped a few times becuase I forgot about it and I was testing an experiment, but I try to remember to tak them everyday.


I'm hung. I reduced phenytoin first time, cos you get 300mg and 100mg caps so you can choose - private test, one day steps. 3 good years. Accused by doc 3 years later back in hospital. He says don't do it again. But 3 good years with no relapse seemed good to me. I don't like 400mg per day now. Feeling like a sandman


Well-known member
im currently taking citalopram....might ask doc to change see if that affects my anger or not


Well-known member
I stopped after a couple of years because it had a huge effect on my sleeping. I couldn't sleep at all on them, and that just made me feel worse.


Well-known member
I stopped after a couple of years because it had a huge effect on my sleeping. I couldn't sleep at all on them, and that just made me feel worse.

i had trouble with my sleep at first, was getting like 3/4 hours sleep a night if i was lucky but that stopped for me atleast i think. im a heavy sleeper so if i wake up half asleep i dont even know it sometimes lol


Well-known member
i had trouble with my sleep at first, was getting like 3/4 hours sleep a night if i was lucky but that stopped for me atleast i think. im a heavy sleeper so if i wake up half asleep i dont even know it sometimes lol

I found my dreams were getting crazy too, especially on citalopram. Really weird, vivid dreams that I could remember in their entirety the next morning.


Well-known member
I found my dreams were getting crazy too, especially on citalopram. Really weird, vivid dreams that I could remember in their entirety the next morning.

ive always got dreams like that, not all the time, happen a few times a month but can remember more or less every detail about it and how i felt in the dream