who else here ..


Well-known member
when they go out for a meal or to a pub watch lots of people sitting around a table , all laughting and joking around a massive table , its an alien world to me .. even when im out for a meal with my gf i say to her see them over there , i couldnt do that , just be that relaxed around so many people , she just says yea i know dont worry about it :) i used to go out with my mates years ago and we all used to just get drunk ... today i was out for a meal on my own same thing loads of people around a massive table all laughting , i do envy them a little ......


Well-known member
hey at least you can go to a pub! haha

well yes i soppose so lol im ok but no way would i go with a big crowd of mixed people , i was ok with my mates but mixed familys all getting together no freaking way :eek:


Well-known member
I'm forever watching other people with envy over how easily they socialise. I'll be somewhere walking alone and see all the people laughing and stuff and i feel sad as if i don't deserve to be alive.


Well-known member
I can do it, it's just harder than others some days. Depending on who I'm with actually, which is sad. When you have to categorize your friends into the ones that make you feel comfortable, like you could do anything versus the ones that put you on edge. I normally go out with the latter so really it's taken me a long time to get a tough skin. Not only finding criticism in myself all the time but these friends certainly make me more aware of my flaws whether they mean to or not, so I'm exponentially more aware of everyone else and what they might be thinking. When I'm with people who keep me calm and make me feel good about myself I don't feel that way in the least, I can relax and laugh because they make it better.
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I don't know that I necessarily get envious when I see large groups of people socializing... more like confused/perplexed, because I have no earthly idea how they're able to do it.


I used to go out a lot and be very social, but for 3 years I do go out and I feel strange in pub or places like that, or everywhere that is not my room. What sucks is when I think I used to be so social, it was that I had to be drunk for me to feel like I fit in.

On therapy they told me to try and start working out, so I am going to a gym, but I cannot stop myself from thinking I dont fit it. I get nervous and dont want to talk to anyone. I like that I just watch everybody and feel like watching a movie, but I cannot make eye contact to someone because I run to another place.


Well-known member
Actually a pub right now sounds pretty good...


Well-known member
I can go to a restaurant/pub and have this type of fun with close friends, but to do it with people that I just met, that is difficult. And, that is where I can feel the same way that you do. I would like to be on the inside of the group more often, but this anxiety can still prevent that at times.

It's a tough place for me to accept to be. However, I've learned that while that can be a challenge for me, I do have many other strengths to focus on, and this one will come in time, just a little bit later than it does for others.


Well-known member
when they go out for a meal or to a pub watch lots of people sitting around a table , all laughting and joking around a massive table , its an alien world to me .. even when im out for a meal with my gf i say to her see them over there , i couldnt do that , just be that relaxed around so many people , she just says yea i know dont worry about it :) i used to go out with my mates years ago and we all used to just get drunk ... today i was out for a meal on my own same thing loads of people around a massive table all laughting , i do envy them a little ......
