I read an interesting article posted as a link on this site, cant remember now tho sorry
But it said in the article to really sit back and think what it is you wanna do. i tried this, and all these thoughts about what i should do, or what i could do rushed to mind, rather than what i wanna do. so i stopped and just thought. no what do i wanna do? and i said...i wanna perform, which is the complete oppisite to what im doing atm. so nah. im not giving up what im doing coz it will give me a good income one day, but im defo gonna persue these dance classes as a hobby, if i get good then ill think about that. this is just an example, using myself.
But if u work out what ur passion is, what u wanna do. then u can work out the problems sorrounding that.
I tottaly relate to where ur comming from, i have identity crisis alot!! ive had depression n shit in the past, and now im ok, but im still REALLY hard on myself. for example, im always asking others what they would of said or done in so and so situation, then taking that as the normal/right way, and my way as wierd/wrong. i constantly critise my own..intuiation almost? logically, the world is so diverse that there is no normal/abnormal way to approach something, all we have is are intiation and our personality to guide us, so why critisize and undermine the very foundations of our actions. this make you put everyone else in the world apart from you, as right all the time, and you right none of the time. how happy are we going to be by doing this? fucking miserable thats what lol.
and its hard to break this habbit, im doing this at a day at a time, coz at times i feel like right ive tried so hard today, and now this evening im back to old habbits, whats da point? BUT THIS IS WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!! ya mind is trained the way u trained it, and it will always go bak to this 'habbit' mindset when u feel ur not coping or theres stress which takes ur mind of the new habbits ur trying to make. but dont give up. one day at a time. tell yaself this is lopole, and go back to trying, it will take a long time before these new habbits, postive ones, come naturally without u even trying.
long post im sorry but just a few more things.
heres a list for u guys, of what im currently trying to change
.not looking for adverse meaning in what people say
.being true to myself even if im the only one with this opinion
.not moaning about problems
.not talking about wether im wierd or not (advice never disscuss things like this with people, because they will give there opinion on how they would approach the sitiation u think u behave wierd in, it will always be different, and u will just feel wierder because ur vunerable right now)
.talk about me more and dont let people ear bash me about them all the time, 50/50 it.
. dont do things just because ur trying to please others, because u think thats what they want u to do.
OK. Example of my first step of putting all this into effect -
So all ma house mates, apart from me and another girl, went home for the weekend, so today my mum comes up. what I want to do is go home with her, because i have no plans this weekend anyways. then the people pleasing comes, and i think oh but my flat mate will think im rude and i should stay to keep her company.
ya know what fuck it. its my life. and i went home lol and i feel good for listening to me.
anyways. long post. hope u maybe found some ideas in there for yaselfs.