Which expressions do you hate


Well-known member
lol good stuff, quite a few of these "annoying expressions" annoy me! :D

And I am also guilty as charged for saying "like" a lot. pfft.


Well-known member
I really absolutely hate this:

At every golf tournament, of every round, for every player, for every hole and for every stroke. There is always some idiot fan yelling: "Get in the hole!" moments after the player swings his clubs. I mean this was barely funny 10 or 12 years ago when it became popular, and its hardly funny anymore. It's just plan annyoing and rude. I mean does the jackass yelling this actually think anyone else finds this funny? Makes me want to go to a tournament just so I can roundhouse the next idiot I hear saying this right out of his flip flops and worn abercrombie t-shirt and matching cargo shorts.


Well-known member
yeah that would be so annoying. Maybe even being the player, he/she would want to jump into the crowd and do the roundhouse themselves. haha....

I really hate "The customer is always right" ... It should be: "The customer is NOT always right, but lets just make it look like we care about them"


Well-known member
"Fair enough" <_<

Guilty as charged, but fair enough :p

Mine is when you say for example " John shot himself in the foot" and the other person just mimics and it is returned as "John shot himself in the foot?"
And no it's not just shock !


Well-known member
When people say ''like'' after every sentence.

''Get a life!''

''You need to get out more!''

''Don't be nervous!''

''Cheer up!''

''Smile, it might never happen!''

''Pull yourself together!''

''You're quiet! Is there anything wrong?''

''Why don't you just go out and meet people?''

''There's people starving in the world!''

''No probs!''

Oh and people who call everyone ''Mate'' even if they don't know them. It sounds rude in my opinion.