Where do you see yourself?

I don't know. I think either somewhere really good, or somewhere I don't want to know about. I just know college is going to change things.
Probably the same place i am now!

But in a dream world i'd like to be married with at least one child ::p:


Well-known member
Unfortunately I don't look that far ahead. Maybe I should start though. It might help me get a handle on things before they get to big.


Well-known member
Slim, working, and finally enjoying life. Maybe married with a kid or two, but hoping that's more 25 and after, would like a career first. =]

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
guess what you and stalin have in common! stalin was very fond of five year plans if i remember right. he also had his psychologist killed, as for the rest of us, we can only dream


Well-known member
I know where I would like to see myself. But I highly doubt that's going to happen. I'm fairly certain that five years from now, I won't even be around, unless something very drastic happens & I highly doubt it will.