When was your first kiss??


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How old were you when you got your first kiss?? :-*

I was 20!!!

and it wasnt a kiss...it was a full on make out session. i wish it wasnt...it kind of makes it less special. i guess i should have realized that because i met him at a club- not the best places to go for a long-lasting relationship...
what about everyone else??


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I was 14. I was in NC on a family vacation and I met this boy on our last day at the beach. He was cute and I liked him but he was a little over the top, for me. We sat on a bench on the beach and he told me "A twenty-foot poll couldn't touch your beauty!" And then he kissed me. I liked the kiss but I didn't like the love letters that followed the end of my vacation. He professed his love for me in his letters (he wrote three) and I had only known him for a whopping day. Ugh. A little too much for me.
Sadly, I never answered him back... which I feel badly about but, he was just too much for me.


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I was 15. This girl who liked me invited me over to her house to help "tutor" her. Capitalization, I think, or something else having to do with grammar. After going over sentences with her for about 10 minutes, she jumps up and starts rubbing my shoulders. Uh oh. So I'm holding the book, and she's reading over my shoulder pretending to do the exercises. Another 15 minutes or so of this and she jumps up, turns out the light, and kisses me. I thought, "Wow, this is just like all those teenagers in the movies!" All the while I'm still holding the grammar book open to the same page. This might sound mean, but in my opinion she could have used a Certs. But I wasn't about to start complaining.


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Was in pre-school so like 5 I think the age is
I remember going home and telling my mum i was going to get married
Next one I woulda been about 14 and was so nervous!


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19 and I can't really decided which I consider my first kiss but they were both a few weeks apart. First was a guy who was more kissing me and I wasn't kissing him back except one or two quick pecks because I was completely trashed and then a couple weeks later I got completely trashed again and made out with my roomates boy toy for forever...I was completely embarassed. I regret both b/c yet again I became "that girl" at the party and both were far from being special as a first kiss.

I did have a quick peck in preschool at the age of 4 but I don't count that.


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livingnsilence said:
19 and I can't really decided which I consider my first kiss but they were both a few weeks apart. First was a guy who was more kissing me and I wasn't kissing him back except one or two quick pecks because I was completely trashed and then a couple weeks later I got completely trashed again and made out with my roomates boy toy for forever...I was completely embarassed. I regret both b/c yet again I became "that girl" at the party and both were far from being special as a first kiss.

I did have a quick peck in preschool at the age of 4 but I don't count that.

wanna get drunk sometime :D


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i was 8/9!!

but i was non-phobic then....

i've been young with everything but spose its just me trying to make myself look confident..


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EeWwwW... Kissing is how you get COODIES!!! I hope you guys used protection
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I think i was about 12/13... school disco sorta thing.There was like a bit of a scare because some dodgy guy had been seen lurking in the car park.Its so cheesy thinking bout it now.

But I told the girl i was dancing with i wouldnt let anyone get her and then she kissed me and taught me how to kiss sorta thing,I actualy didnt like it that much and thought it felt minging with tounges :lol: But was still nice cos i really liked her.


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I'm 25, my first kiss was about two months ago. I had met a girl online, after talking on the phone for a few days we met up one night. Everything went great, after the initial 5 minutes or so I didn't feel nervous at all and I couldn't believe how much I was able to talk, it was like I didn't have SA when I was around her. So at the end of the night when I dropped her off we hugged. I sensed she wanted a kiss but I wasn't 100% so I didn't wanna come on too strong. So on my way home she texted me and asked why I didn't kiss her, so I explained it.

The next weekend she came over and we watched a movie at my place. This time I knew when we said goodbye I would kiss her. Anyways about 1/4 of the way through the movie I had my arm around her and we were cuddling. She kind of looked up at me and then kissed me. We kind of made out for a minute or so every 5-10 minutes and at the end we made out for about 5 minutes. The next night we watched another movie. This time at the end we made out heavily at the end for about 25 minutes. She took her shirt off (still had on her bra), but that's as far as I've ever gotten. Anyways a couple weeks later she just decided that my work schedule was just to much for her to handle (basially I have to leave town for a week and a half at a time) so she broke up with me.

I was very happy she initiated the kiss, because even though I know she wanted one I still would have been extremely nervous to make the first move.

Since then I made out with one other girl since then, but the next day she told me she just wants to be friends (I hate when that happens).


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I was 14 years old. My first official girlfriend which lasted about a month. I went to her house. We went to the movies, the mall. In my experience, it's better to get the first kiss as soon as possible. To help relieve the tension. So you can enjoy yourself, and not think about it through the whole date.
Reholla said:
How old were you when you got your first kiss?? :-*

I was 20!!!

and it wasnt a kiss...it was a full on make out session. i wish it wasnt...it kind of makes it less special. i guess i should have realized that because i met him at a club- not the best places to go for a long-lasting relationship...
what about everyone else??

whoah, that's kind of similar to mine. i was 17, and me and some friends were at this party. i met a girl there and we ended up making out. what made it even less special or significant was the fact that i was really drunk.. and i think she was too. i think that was my first one.