What's your favorite smell?

I opened up the window and my landlord is mowing the grass, and I got a big whiff of fresh-mown grass and it was marvelous. I love that smell. Some of my favorites are:

*Freshly-mown grass
*Cleanliness (like when you've cleaned out the whole house and opened all the windows and doors to air it out, or right after you've done laundry and you can still smell the detergent on the clothes. Mm, such a wonderful smell)
*Bacon frying smells delicious although I hate bacon
*The smell of BBQ--like good, smoked, slow BBQ--has got to be one of the most appetizing smells in existence.
*Baking bread
*Coffee in the morning. Any other time it makes me feel sick, but in the morning it's such a wonderful smell
*Lit matches/bonfires

I love smells. :) What are your favorites?


*Nice perfume on a girl,there is just somthing about a nice perfume which makes you want to float after the girl if she smells nice :D
Roses overwhelm me for some reason. If there's just the barest hint it's a wonderful smell, but when I pass a whole bush I start to feel lightheaded!


Well-known member
I love the smell of coconut, teriyaki sauce, and a nice cologne on a guy. Although I don't like it if a guy has on so much cologne that it is overbearing, I prefer just a faint scent of it.


Well-known member
There's a flower perfume in the sandstone bushland that has a meaty sweet aroma that I love. You can understand how a honeyeater bird would go absolutely nuts over it.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Copy and pasted from this thread: http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/favorite-smells-40389/

In no particular order:

coins, especially copper ones.
fresh basil
dragon cloud incense
sandalwood incense
just before an intense thunderstorm
the ocean
fresh mint
new books
old books
chocolate chip cookies baking
really good bordeaux
peanut butter cookies baking
coffee brewing
coffee being ground
the jungle
tiger balm
warm laundry
oak burning


rich, dark, dirt
bread baking
indian food
onions being sauteed
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Mountain air after a rain
Clean laundry
My bedroom (it smells awesome)
My cologne


Well-known member
The way the air smells moments before a thunderstorm is about to start. Gasoline fumes at the pump. Marshmallows on fire. Brand new electronics smell.


Well-known member
Any body spray that says "brown sugar" or "vanilla"
Wet dog
Men's cologne but not the old fancy man one ( when I was little and went through a stage where I thought I was a boy,*I*use to wear my brothers axe and stuff and they were like ...wtf?) Lol
My aunt ( I dont know if she uses anything, but she's always smelled delicious to me)
Lilies of the valley (my favorite flower)
And any kind of fairs or carnivals
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Any body spray that says "brown sugar" or "vanilla"
Wet dog
Men's cologne but not the old fancy man one ( when I was little and went through a stage where I thought I was a boy,*I*use to wear my brothers axe and stuff and they were like ...wtf?) Lol
My aunt ( I dont know if she uses anything, but she's always smelled delicious to me)
Lillies of the valley (my favorite flower)
And any kind of fairs or carnivals

You like wet dog smell?