what's wrong with online dating?

Oh yes you can, I'm a living example of that. :) Thas how I met my first GF. Of course we chatted hundreds if not thoudsand of hours before on internet...for like 3-4 months or so. We both admited that we love eachother. We talked a little on the phone but not too much cause my SP.

Anyway, in the last months that we chatted we started sending each other love e-cards and such, even sended real gifts to each other. After we finnaly met, it was like we knew eachother for a lifetime, of course our love grew a little stronger cause of real kisses (not virtual ones we kept sending till then), but I'm saying it is possible to fall in love online.
dude that's so awesome! :)


Well-known member
lol. They're not the only types of people you meet in the real world. :D I understand what you're saying though. I just can't imagine the whole living up to expectations thing. I'm a lot braver and more eloquent online than I am in person, but the truth of the matter is, it takes me like 10 minutes to write a 50-word text message. lol.

If you approach random girls at the shopping centre, you'll just be known as "that creepy guy who stalk girls at the mall". It only works if your social skills are perfect, everyone knows who you are because you're "cool" and you have a lot of money.

A good opening line in a dating site could for instance be what kind of music she likes (if she mentions in her profile that she likes music, that is) or if she's interested in traveling, you could ask her what kind of places she has visited. :)


Well-known member
I met my girlfriend online. Lives with her in Rio de Janeiro at the moment. But we will maybe move to Europe next year because she wants to get her phD in Europe