Whats the worst thing SA did to you?


Angered me, made me lose faith in humanity, made me an obsessive thinker. Almost made me commit suicide. Drained my self esteem. Made me lose my friends. Made me lonely. Made me depressed. Made me hate the world. That just about sums it up. Made me realize how many fucking asswholes there are in this world. I fucking hope the aliens are nicer.


Well-known member
- stole 8 years of my life
- deprived me of relationship experience, to the point where what I'm learning now is learnt by most people at the age of 16
- nearly killed me
- piled on weight which I'm still trying to lose (unsuccesfully)
- left me with anger and a continual distrust and contempt for a large proportion of western society


Well-known member
Unable to have relationships with anybody, not able to go out anywhere, only no been able to a job


Well-known member
--almost killed me!
--gave me years of not knowing what the hell was wrong with me!
--depression and general bitterness
--18 years, encounting...

good things--

--made me much more understanding as a person.
--made me abundantly stronger.
--i have learnt so much.
--since finding out i have SP, my outlook has turned waayy more positive, there is a way out, i will be out of this by the time i am 20, latest. And i'm glad i came on here and talked with all you people.
--i will get free of this, and when i do i will tell you all how to do it too, and we will all live better lives for it, because of the first 2 points! And because we know what it's like to be down, so the sun will shine brighter for us, if you know what i mean.


Well-known member
well, I dont have a boyfriend and i think that cause of SA...and probably the worst thing i can think of that happened was when my cousin who i dont like told me "I feel sorry for you..." in like the most condescending voice imagineable at a family get together.... i still will never forget that...


Well-known member
Reholla said:
well, I dont have a boyfriend and i think that cause of SA...and probably the worst thing i can think of that happened was when my cousin who i dont like told me "I feel sorry for you..." in like the most condescending voice imagineable at a family get together.... i still will never forget that...

oh mercy me, that is so terrible. How do you live?


Active member
-Caused me to quit the course that I was doing
-I have lost all of my friends
-The only enjoyment i can get from life on a daily basis is by playing video games or listening to music
-Never had a proper girlfriend
-Makes me wish that i could just climb out of my shell and be the person I really want to be.


Well-known member
The worst thing? Robbing me of my dignity in public because I act in an odd manner when I try to avoid eye contact, speak with store staff, etc.
It really is shocking how many people pick up on this awkwardness and find it funny, usually indicated by a ridiculing smirk or blatant chukkle, which leads me to the second problem: a drop in respect for humanity in general. How can people above the age of full maturity be so thoughtless?

But, as others have written, it has instilled a sense of empathy and caring within my being. I certainly have learnt what it is to be treated poorly because of social discomfort and I could never ever do that to someone else and it hurts me when I see someone else being treated unfairly.


Well-known member
It has made me go from having quite a few friends to having no friends. It stole my adolescence from 16 to now, 23. Ultimately it has made me the dysfunctional, isolated, self destructive, bitter, loner that I am. :roll:


Well-known member
Ads7800 said:
The worst thing? Robbing me of my dignity in public because I act in an odd manner when I try to avoid eye contact, speak with store staff, etc.
It really is shocking how many people pick up on this awkwardness and find it funny, usually indicated by a ridiculing smirk or blatant chukkle, which leads me to the second problem: a drop in respect for humanity in general. How can people above the age of full maturity be so thoughtless?

But, as others have written, it has instilled a sense of empathy and caring within my being. I certainly have learnt what it is to be treated poorly because of social discomfort and I could never ever do that to someone else and it hurts me when I see someone else being treated unfairly.

yes. this. exactly.


Active member
has made me way to self conscious, self loathing, and has giving me no social life as well as depression from the lack there of. also it's given me no confidence, and has made me terrified to experience things in life.


Well-known member
I constantly criticize myself and everything I do. When people talk to me, I get scared and obsessively think about what that person is probably thinking about me so I avoid them. I can't make phone calls or eye contact. It's bad enough that I'm afraid of people. I have a little girl with autism who can't make friends. She's afraid of people for a different reason. She can't even depend on me to help her get friends! :(


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Reholla said:
well, I dont have a boyfriend and i think that cause of SA...and probably the worst thing i can think of that happened was when my cousin who i dont like told me "I feel sorry for you..." in like the most condescending voice imagineable at a family get together.... i still will never forget that...

oh mercy me, that is so terrible. How do you live?

are you serious? (.......or sarcastic)

(I didnt think this was that bad)


New member
The worst things SA did to me?

1. Completely destroyed any plans I had in life, including travel
2. Made me a social recluse in every sense of the term
3. Has made me lose respect for culture and people in general
Completely taken away my many aspirations for the future. This is probably the worst. I could accept things as they were as a teen, because of one thing - the future. I had big plans of everything I wanted to achieve, from travel, to girlfriend, to good job, to good sportsman. Now I am just withering away to nothing. That really hurts me the most.

It has taken away all my friends, wruined me financially and shamed me beyond belief, but before it atleast didn't crush my motivation and hope. And I fucking clung onto that hope for as long as I could. But now that's gone too, and I have accepted my life isn't going to turn out anything like I planned. And that is the most devastating thing of all.


The worst thing it has done to me is make me a loner. It makes people around me including my family think that I dont care about them or that I am arrogant. It has drained me of any confidence I once had. I have lost jobs because of it. I have lost friends. I have never been in a romantic relationship. It has pretty much robbed me of a normal life.


Emma said:
Did badly at school because I wouldn't speak
Work with my mum
Have no friends
People think I'm weird
Will probably still be living at home when I'm 50 relying on my parents for everything.
Never leave the house unless I have to go to work

WOW. I have all those things too and I still live at home and it sucks. People at my job who are younger than me have thier own place.


Well-known member
Hmm, the worst thing can all be put into one basket. It's being uncomfortable in every social situation I face in life. Whether it's at work or walking past girls at the store I feel scared to death. The worst part is, i don't see a solution. It's not really a confidence thing, it's more like my nerves are unable to stay relaxed. WHen I'm at home I feel like a perfectly normal person, but when I leave the house it's like I enter a totally different world. Everything is exhausting and stressful and I never can connect with people.