whats the worse thing thats ever happend to you


When I was a child, I would wake up, go to school, get bullied, come home, get abused. Then I would cry myself to sleep, wake up and repeat.


Well-known member
getting sa because i know if i didn't have it most of the things that bother me now wudnt bother me without it.sa makes me think about stupid stuff iv done that wouldnt bother any normal person but i just re live all my mistakes in my head


Well-known member
And no one should think you can’t complain about your life or get things off your chess because we all need to a little, pain feels the same in the end no matter how it gets there.

My situation is much better now and I feel bad to complain because it's my past, but it is good to have a place to vent some of it at times. :)


Well-known member
trace your steps five years back and i dropped out in the second year of a university course because of the pressure socially and academically became quite overwhelming, so for the rest of the year i would turn up to the library and not attend classes thinking that the next day i'd turn up, this gave everyone around me the impression i was still attending the course but really it was all a cover. i felt to afraid to admit i dropped out and let it linger on and on and on. absolutely crazy looking back it at. i even created fake results at the end of the year to give the impression i had passed. just incredible to think i behaved that way. at the same time i was on a study benefit so i had to pay a debt back to the government and that could have lead to a court appearance all because of what i can only describe as intense agrophobia symptoms of not wanting to be seen by people and just feeling like hiding away. so i was being dishonest every day. i mean it happened for a reason but the behaviour was way out of order. i think that the years from a young age of anxiety and pressure simply blew up in my face and thats how i handled it. and not talking to anyone didnt really help me out of the situation.

This is scary because if feels almost exactly what I'm going through right now. I'm in my second year of Physics and I just moved to a new University. And the only people that mean anything to me live back home about 4000 km away. My band is back there. I sit, listen and play along to our album at least once or twice a day. My band is my family, the only people I have ever connected with in my life. Music is such a release for me and I've been bottled up all year. It's making everything so difficult I can't even explain the magnitude of it. I lost my air. Nervous breakdown should be setting in pretty soon.


Well-known member
Hmm, i can't really pinpoint just one bad thing that's happened. :confused: So many things happend during my childhood, alot of physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

I guess for me though this is the worse because i'll never know what happend to the photos ...

When i was around 8 years old, a trusted friend of the family who even took a baby video of me from when i was born til about two years old ... took me upto his room to take pornographic pictures of me and wanting to do 'other stuff'. I still don't know til this day if he deleted the photos or still has them and it haunts me everyday of my life wondering if sick people out there are 'getting off' over my 8 year old body. I want to go to the police and tell them what happend but i have no evidence, only memories. Plus, they let me down once before when i was younger.


Well-known member
Hmm, i can't really pinpoint just one bad thing that's happened. :confused: So many things happend during my childhood, alot of physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

I guess for me though this is the worse because i'll never know what happend to the photos ...

When i was around 8 years old, a trusted friend of the family who even took a baby video of me from when i was born til about two years old ... took me upto his room to take pornographic pictures of me and wanting to do 'other stuff'. I still don't know til this day if he deleted the photos or still has them and it haunts me everyday of my life wondering if sick people out there are 'getting off' over my 8 year old body. I want to go to the police and tell them what happend but i have no evidence, only memories. Plus, they let me down once before when i was younger.

do you know im speachless amiee , people like that need locking up in prison for life ....sorry to hear you went through all that , and he was a family freind :eek: .........


Well-known member
No offense to anyone but do we really need this thread?

its just a thread lol ::p: dont post on it if you dont want to , end of the day some people like me just wanted to share there problems .. no offence ;) i mean if you had something really bad happen to you and shared it on here , some people might relate to it ... and help guide advice ect ect ...


Well-known member
I find this thread sort of helpful in a way. It allows me to see how small my own problems really are. My heart goes out to everyone.

My "worst" story is very similar to yours, mrb....wife leaving me, kids crying, etc. Still working on getting this sorted out.


Well-known member
I find this thread sort of helpful in a way. It allows me to see how small my own problems really are. My heart goes out to everyone.

My "worst" story is very similar to yours, mrb....wife leaving me, kids crying, etc. Still working on getting this sorted out.

its hard mate ... a long hard slog but in the end it will all sort its self out ;) time has a way of doing that ....


Well-known member
I find this thread sort of helpful in a way. It allows me to see how small my own problems really are.

You don't gut a fish by catching a bigger one.

The worst thing to happen to me was being born to a bunch of crazy freaks who brainwashed me and fked me up in the head.


Well-known member
Please no one judge me or think I'm a horrible person because of my screen name. For me I can think of several things. Walking in on my mom raping my little sister when we were kids. It was her first delusional episode being schizoaffective. So every time she had an episode I had to drive around and find a hospital that would take her. Then my relationship I got out of he got physical, hair pulled out, bloody nose, forced me to have sex with his friend and him. Then to only get kicked out and dumped on Christmas day.