whats the worse thing thats ever happend to you


Well-known member
mine was when i finally made the decision to walk away from my Marriage , for my own sanity ... it wasnt leaving her that hurt it was my kids .. when i left my kids were looking out of the window at me crying ::(: i drove about 1 mile down the road pulled up and cried for ages .. the self hatred i felt was unreal , but now looking back i know i did the right thing ... my kids and me get on great even though i have to drive 440 miles to see them , cos my ex wife moved to cornwall be be near her family there ... that was years ago , but to this day i really wish she hadnt moved , i used to pick them up evrey weekend , now i see them once a month , what the worst thing thats ever happend to you ?


Well-known member
When I was a kid my dad would leave me in the car and gamble for hours whilst I would have panic attacks. He would tell me lies to account for where he had been and i was foolish enough to believe him. This occurred regularly for years.

This is what started my anxiety I believe. Its definitely the most traumatic thing thats happened.

Withdrawing from Klonopin was pretty bad too but I knew beforehand how bad it would be so I dont think it should count.
The worst would probably watching my father beat my sis to a bloody pulp..black eyes, bruises, bloody bed sheets and physical abuse in general was the norm of our childhood. Second worst moment was having my dad punch me in the face (breaking my nose) when I tried to defend my sister when he verbally assaulted her. I was only 11.


Well-known member
The worst would probably watching my father beat my sis to a bloody pulp..black eyes, bruises, bloody bed sheets and physical abuse in general was the norm of our childhood. Second worst moment was having my dad punch me in the face (breaking my nose) when I tried to defend my sister when he verbally assaulted her. I was only 11.

jesus.......... it never ceases to amaze me how people can treat children like that , did he go to prison for that cos i really hope so ...
jesus.......... it never ceases to amaze me how people can treat children like that , did he go to prison for that cos i really hope so ...

No he never got into any trouble for abusing us..what upsets me is we lived in apartment so there were people living all around us. There were so many nights where we'd be screaming and crying begging him to stop; I know for a fact our neighbors heard everything but we still suffered that abuse in silence no one ever called the cops or child protective services..I know me and my sis couldve but we were so young and scared that he'd seriously hurt us if he found out we told someone so we just endured it and hoped our neighbors wouldcall for help. :/

Nowadays by father is far from the abusive man I once knew. Still not really a father but someone I can count on if I'm ever in a hole. I do secretly wish he got punished for what he did to his children though...


Well-known member
hmmm my brother and me 2 years ago used to hear the man upstairs hitting his kids , one time it was really bad so me and by brother knocked on the door his gf opened the door and we said what the hell is going on .... she said go away before i call the police .. i said call the bloody police , in fact ill call the police , the man came out very drunk , my brother got him up against the wall and said why dont you try hitting me , the police did turn up 15 min later ... dont know what happend ... but a few of us said to him when he was walking down the rd to get his beer a few days later , were watching you , any hitting those kids and were going to kick the crap out of you got it .. he just looked down , tipical coward only hits kids ... we all hated his guts..


Super Moderator
Beatings, insults, isolation, fights, death, humilliation... A number of things. Every place I've been was plagued with bastard abusers. Which is worse, I remember every event with details and the memories won't leave my mind alone. I get so angry and depressed whenever I have to remember crap... I wish I have been able to do something or having anyone defend me at least, anyone to turn to. Just to add more pain to the wound, everyone got away with it. They live a "normal" happy life while I am still here living in the past, whining about things they probably forgot, things that most likely are unimportant to them since they didn't have to suffer at all. It was me the only one who always paid for everyone else's broken dishes.

Blah... sorry about that. I'm just angry.


Well-known member
trace your steps five years back and i dropped out in the second year of a university course because of the pressure socially and academically became quite overwhelming, so for the rest of the year i would turn up to the library and not attend classes thinking that the next day i'd turn up, this gave everyone around me the impression i was still attending the course but really it was all a cover. i felt to afraid to admit i dropped out and let it linger on and on and on. absolutely crazy looking back it at. i even created fake results at the end of the year to give the impression i had passed. just incredible to think i behaved that way. at the same time i was on a study benefit so i had to pay a debt back to the government and that could have lead to a court appearance all because of what i can only describe as intense agrophobia symptoms of not wanting to be seen by people and just feeling like hiding away. so i was being dishonest every day. i mean it happened for a reason but the behaviour was way out of order. i think that the years from a young age of anxiety and pressure simply blew up in my face and thats how i handled it. and not talking to anyone didnt really help me out of the situation.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
im not sure what was the worse thing, one of them though was the night after my family moved to italy when i was 11, id never been so far from home before. my stepdad had gotten drunk and started calling me by my mother's name and grabbing at me. looking back on it he'd get too drunk to even be dangerous, but i didnt know that when i was a kid. i started twitching and flinching alot when he was pulling me close to him, and it offended him, so he cursed me out good and loud about what a b--ch i was and how awful i was. then it occurred to me how far from home i was and i panicked and couldnt breathe. i thought i was going die. my mom saw the entire thing. after he stopped, she started. she was angry at me for hyperventilating and started yelling at me to stop which made it worse.
im sorry about the long story. i really think it should be illegal for some people to have kids. you have to pass a test to drive a car, there should be one for raising a kid.


My childhood fullstop..one thing which still gets to me is hearing the dog yelping one night when we were all in bed.My sister was screaming for someone to go do somthing (We all thought someone had broke in),I was only about 11 but I went down and it was my Dad beating the dog with a snooker cue.

Also one of my friends got murdered when he was 21.I still havnt come to grips with that,it doesnt seam real.
Feeling emotionally starved, and the loss of my father and brother, i doubt i will ever get over losing them.
This isn't really one specific incident, but it's definitely the worst couple years of my life.

When I was 17 my mom started doing coke with someone who was a friend of mine at the time (she was 17 as well). My mom ended up getting addicted to it and started using it intravenously for two years. She's been sober now for about one year, but before she got clean it was complete hell. I told my dad that she was using drugs, so all of her anger was directed at me during that time. She was extremely emotionally abusive to me. These are just a few things that I would hear on a daily basis: you're the most selfish bitch I've ever met, you're a horrible person, you're a **** (starts with c rhymes with runt), and you're a ****ing piece of ****.

One night she got physical with me. As I was passing by her in the kitchen she grabbed the back of my hair and shoved my head down to the ground and started hitting and scratching me and calling me names, my dad had to come pull her off of me. When I ran to my room she came to my door and started beating it in and screaming horrible things at me. My door still doesn't close right because it's all punched in around the doorknob. I also have a scar on my arm from that night.

She has to stay sober now because when she was using she got arrested for shoplifting televisions that she would trade for drugs, so that's a good thing I guess. Things have calmed down a lot now, but I don't think we will ever have a good relationship again. She's never apologized to me and I don't think she ever will. She says that it's my fault she started using coke because I ruined our relationship when I stopped talking to her as much and started trying to make more friends. I dunno, I think it was normal how I became withdrawn from my parents and actually tried to have a social life, but she's a sick twisted person so she'll believe what she wants to believe. I just hope she knows that it means I'm not going to be there for her when she needs me.

Anway, that's my sob story. :rolleyes:


Super Moderator
She says that it's my fault she started using coke because I ruined our relationship when I stopped talking to her as much and started trying to make more friends. I dunno, I think it was normal how I became withdrawn from my parents and actually tried to have a social life, but she's a sick twisted person so she'll believe what she wants to believe. I just hope she knows that it means I'm not going to be there for her when she needs me.

Because a normal adult goes to use drugs instead of having a dialogue if things are not ok. Also, since when it is forbidden that one wants to have a social life? Geez... She sounds like the kind of person who will never admit her failures, who will escape responsability by twisting the situation and blaming someone else.


Well-known member
The worst thing was my dad beating my mum up on a daily basis, one time he did it so badly she had a cut on her skull and i had to clean it up for her, i was so scared she was going to die because there was so much blood.

There's a lot more i could mention, but i don't want to be a depressive!


Well-known member
When I was a kid my dad would leave me in the car and gamble for hours whilst I would have panic attacks. He would tell me lies to account for where he had been and i was foolish enough to believe him. This .

Uf, that must be terrible. :( I worked in a 'casino' so I have such experiences.
One man was coming at the casino first at the day..then he started coming at night. His wife couldn't controling him anymore so she started coming herself and then she started to gamble!!? The sad thing in this story was that they were bringing their son every time with them,..even at the middle of the night. Boy was about 13 years old..They would left him to wait in front of the casino while they were gambling because like you know minor kids is forbiden to come in. It was s cold outside that I couldn't watc this boy freezing so even my boss told me not to let him in..I didn't listen..I even tried to talk with his parents about that..but they are obviosly stupid..uf, that makes me so angry...what the hell is with people today?!!


Well-known member
When I was a kid my dad would leave me in the car and gamble for hours

So we have something in common, just that mine wasn't gambling.

Now that you're older it makes you wonder if some adults are just so sad, depressed themselves that they forget they had a whole new fresh human being that they could work on. But i guess the problem is people who never get better can't do better.


Well-known member
theres a lot of sad stories here , just want you to know my heart goes out to you guys , and lorraine is right it should be a illegal for some people to have kids ...