what would you do to change this world


Well-known member
now we all have sa right :) maybe for some of us its just the way the world is that makes us sa , what would you do if you had the power to change this world ... yea you think about it and get back :) ...


Well-known member
Change it to a world where people expected less of you socially, but more of you intellectually.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member


Well-known member
allow people to care less about being happy for themselves and more about giving future generations happiness.
Universal health care and free college/university education/trade school for every single human being on earth.

that's about it........... from there we get a healthy and better educated society where poverty and murder is non existent which eventually creates world peace and heaven on earth.


Well-known member
If I had god power (I'm guessing that's what the question means) I would make all humans immortal, so we can have unlimited chances at what we do, but at the same time make sure we cannot have children, in order to make sure the world does not over-populate.

EDIT: If the question meant what I'd do realistically then I don't know, sorry lol


now we all have sa right :) maybe for some of us its just the way the world is that makes us sa , what would you do if you had the power to change this world ... yea you think about it and get back :) ...

I'd change quite a few things. I'd change the male/female dynamic in the western world back to a more natural position.

Try to undo the societal influences that lead to the break up of families and things like that.


Super Moderator
I was going to say blow it up, but someone beat me to it :)

Ok, in that case... I'd eliminate all the bad people (I was thinking of throwing them all in an island and nuke it) and educate the ignorants. Since a lot of hate, violence and abuse comes from ignorance, if more intellectual open minded people would rule, it would be a more peaceful and healthier world.

1st dimension

New member
Place in orbit a satellite that emits a safe form of radiation that would sterilize all the males for the next 20 years and bring the world population under control.


Well-known member
Oh boy... this could be allot of fun! Hmmmmm???? Let me see... Oh, I got it! Gorgeous sterile horny straight women times 10 across the world! YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!! Ahhh, who am I kidding? I still wouldn't be able to get a girl friend.... ::p: