What to do...?


Well-known member
Ask for help from your parents. Either have them do it for you (that's what I'd do!) or have them nearby.

If I were your mother I'd be asking why he continues to come around to your house since she didn't think you guys hung out. Maybe she can throw in she's getting concerned. It's possible this guy just wants to apologize. But regardless of his intentions that's creepy behaviour and it's got to stop. But try not to do it alone, it'll be easier with support. Nothing like a parent to step up. ;)


Well-known member
I guess it's kind of a weird position to be in. Maybe ask your mom to tell him to not come around the house anymore unless invited explicitly, or for him to leave a message and leave it at that?

Edit: Or, what like everyone else said, get the police involved ^_^
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Well-known member
My first reaction is that you should report the matter to the police. The sooner and more you get it on record, the better case you will have to pursue legal action further down the road - if it should come to that.

Hopefully, just having the cops come knock on his door will make him decide to leave you alone and go pick on someone else. If it doesn't, at least you will have established that he knew he wasn't wanted there, and you can then get a restraining order if he continues to bother you.

Other than that, my only other suggestion is to call up some good friends who would be willing to beat the snot out of him.


Well-known member
I must admit I'm leaning towards the police option now as well. He's been warned and he continues to come over? What did he say to her?


Well-known member
Get the police on his heels. I don't know how it's there, but here the police is pretty worthless. "I'm sorry sir, we can't do anything about it". When you get out of options you should get some one to kick his ass. Maybe then he'll get the picture.


Well-known member
It doesn't sound to me as if he's actually stalking you. The next time he comes over, instead of your mom just telling him you're not there, have her ask him to leave a message or tell her what he wants to talk to you about. At least then you'll have an idea & you'll hopefully be less panicked over it.
Maybe, he want to apologize for all the bad thing he had done to you back then. He's not going to stop unless his purpose or objective is met. Like other suggested... asking him to leave a Msg or letter what he want exactly.