what the meaning to friendship ?


Well-known member
what the meaning of friendship ?

When I was little kid friendship came easy there was no harsh judgment, No pacific group that you had to be apart of. also the things that we did was a whole lot more fun then what adult do for fun. playing tag and hidden and go seek . or playing sports was even funnier as a kid. what do adult do for fun they just sit around and do nothing but talk and drink. I don`t thank I can find a friend my own age because I don`t see us doing anything fun that we would both find interest in . I don`t think I can every find a friend base on the fact that I don`t like doing adult things. I still enjoy being a kid and doing what I feel is fun. like exploring ,being creative , dream that I can do anything as a superhero and challenge my weakness with confident's .
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Well-known member
what do adult do for fun they just sit around and do nothing but talk and drink.

Seems you got a lot of prejudices and assumptions.

What you do as an adult with your friends depends on yourself and on what friends you choose. It's entirely up to you.

I'm an adult. With my friends, I:
- play board / card and computer games
- go to festivals
- meet for film evenings
- cinema
- do trips to places
- meet in parks
- go to events and conventions of various sorts

And so on.
It's entirely up to you. Your life, your choice.


Well-known member
Ah, I miss being 7 and the biggest conformity problem was being flat-out irritating, confusing people who'd never seen your race before, and deciding what to do. Now the majority of the time I have to keep my thoughts to myself on all kinds of horrid groupthink whether I'm in a mainstream or niche (especially if it's niche) crowd if I don't feel like making more enemies than friends.

Who has the energy to constantly be the one to disagree with how The Group is smarter or more enlightened, how The Group has much more intense and passionate emotions than Outsiders even if the experiences they describe are the same, how everyone in The Group doesn't necessarily share each other's opinions and every opinion is not just part of being a member of The Group, and assert that Outsiders have a variety of opinions and perspectives - not malice and stupidity - that cause them to approach things the way they do?

Like people, hate groups. Even the tolerant ones (LGBT, etc) are filled with barely challenged or unchallenged prejudice I can't swallow, so why bother fitting in when I get can what I need for networking or information and scram?
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Well-known member
well i admit most of my peer group, they fill their time with either taking care of their kids or things around the house or they are out at the bar drinking..im in my 30s and even throughout my 20s, it seemed that most people i knew just liked to sit around with other and drink, maybe play bean bags or swim..nothing too special..unless u were the extroverted social type, it just wasnt that enjoyable to me..


Well-known member
Kids, teens, and adults have different types of playing. Kids play with toys, play tag, play games like duck duck goose, etc. Teens and adults have outgrown these types of play. Instead they have fun by partying, drinking, gambling, going to places, playing board games/video games, etc. I'm what you call a "late bloomer", not maturing at the same rate as the others around me. When I tried to play hide and seek or tag with my tween classmates for example, I got rejections and looks of disapproval. It took a while for me to outgrow tag and hide and seek.


New member
Be careful not to confuse the meaning of friendship with family. Friendship is a general feeling of well-being for another in which you would sacrifice time and thought on their behalf. That said, friendship has a line in the sand to which the relationship can be severed.

Family on the other hand is indestructible. You may choose to walk away from family but that doesn't change the fact that they will ALWAYS be your family.


Well-known member
WoW playing board games and video games a new one for me I always thought that stuff was for kids too. Finding a friend just is not that easy when you are not free to be yourself. But on the other hand would I even be happy being friends with these people who I have to pretend to be some one else all the time. answer No I thank I will be much happier being alone. adult friends is just somthing I am not cut out to have.


Well-known member
But on the other hand would I even be happy being friends with these people who I have to pretend to be some one else all the time. answer No I thank I will be much happier being alone. adult friends is just somthing I am not cut out to have.

If you find friends where you have to pretend to be someone else, then that's your fault. And if you think that there are only two options: being alone or pretending to be someone else, then that assumption is as random as claiming that board games are just for kids and adults do nothing but drink and talk.

WoW playing board games and video games a new one for me I always thought that stuff was for kids too.

There are games for kids and games for adults. This is a photo of the worlds largest board game fair. Do they look like kids to you?




Well-known member
^^ Look like a fun place to go. I guess, I am just sick and tired of all the prejudices and assumptions people has made of me. Then again maybe that a prejudice and assumption too.


Well-known member
I believe my biggest problem is not who I am But How to show who I am. I thank I confuse dislike with miss interpretation all the time. Learning the proper way to show who you are is where the real craft is not being someone I am not.