What makes you happy?


Well-known member
-Help friends to cope with them problems.
-Finish my music projects.
-Get hugs.
-Feel loved.
-Have a family.
-Believe in myself.
-Once in a while buy something I like.
-Have a few friends.
-Be Alive.


Well-known member
Hot coffee on cold winter mornings
Being close to family (sometimes:))
The smile of a pretty girl(i know it sounds lame)
State of origin football


Well-known member
- reading a good book
- watching a really good tv show or movie
- hanging out with my friend X
- snuggling with my cat B
- accomplishing stuff

...that's all i can think of. <sigh>


Well-known member
- Music! Can never forget this one :)
- Awesome movies
- Having someone there who will listen to you and be there no matter what
- My pets
- Chocolate
- Good food
- Succeeding
- Helping others and making them happy
- Those rare moments where I don't feel awkward and anxious around people
- Reading
- Shopping, sometimes
walking outside
kitty cats
cleaning the house up
getting things done
doing things correctly
meeting nice people once in a while even though I am always too scared to say anything and mess up the opportunity
having some money with me for the few times I actually have it


Well-known member
honestly at this point in my life, nothing makes me happy.... opiates and benzos can make me happy temporarily but as soon as they ware off im sad and depressed again... girls can make me happy, but in the long run they all end up disappointing me and letting me down... i can laugh and get amusement even though im rarely happy. TOSH.0 is a great source of happiness.. the soup is another... a great happiness cocktail for me is 240mg of oxycodone and 4mg of alprazolam(xanax), chocolate peanut butter ice-cream and a good movie... thats as happy as i can be:)


Well-known member
Not a whole lot. Most of the time I feel quite apathetic about life in general. There are some rare times I feel refreshed.

-Running until my lungs feel like they are about to explode
-Clothes that fit perfectly
-Sleeping beside my kitty


Well-known member

Okay seriously...

Writing, Watching Films, Making Films (when I dont stress)
Tennis, gym
Seeing ppl overcome their fears and struggles
Getting to know someone better and friendship
School did yeah it did
Humor/Wit/Satire/MAKING people laugh
People helping others and helping others myself
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Well-known member
In spite of what my family (particularly my mother) has to say, I'm fairly low-maintenance. Just give me a computer and a fast internet connection and I'm good.


Well-known member
-Hanging out with friends
-Shooting my friends :D
-Watching movies and tv-shows I like
-Reading a good book
-Drinking and partying
-Being close to someone
-Getting a hug
-feeling loved
-Getting a compliment
-Making others feel happy
-Sex :rolleyes:


Active member
Mastering new skills
Playing video games and using hacking skills to create codes and help other players :)
hanging out with my family and friends
Discovering new things
lstening to music
Creating music

What will make happy in the future???

Moving out at age 21 to go get my own place
Finish working on my car
Getting a nice stable job instead of the run-of the-mill job i have now
Starting my Career in Electronics and Computers
Getting my masters in both of the fields above
Staring my own business and retiring at age 50 to settle down and live the rest of my life
Work hard now and live easy later :)


Well-known member
Being alone a lot of times. Sometimes I get to much stimulation from other people so in order to feel better. I have to be with my self and the things that I like. With in a weeks time sometimes the weekend is not enough to fully recuperate...
When I succeed in social situations which is like never so...

^ I agree. There's nothing like that buzz you get, for me at least, when I get through one of my fears. It's like the world is mine for the taking. Then I fall back to reality, but for a short time, I feel amazing


Well-known member
Ironically isolating myself from all outside interaction RL and internet as well. Locked up in my room, listening to heavy, dark, death metal with fulll volume....eventually prob the next day illl be okay well maybe...