What kind of topics do you guys talk about during your breaks at work?


Well-known member
What kind of topics do you guys talk about during your breaks at work? I'm not necessarily asking what are good conversation topics, but what are some of the "actual" topics you guys discuss at work during breaks or downtime :)
I think you asked this before... and just like before, I'll say it depends on the person :). Whatever we have in common basically, whether it be work, hobbies, interestes or just joking around saying nonsense.

If you're asking for advice on what to say to your co-workers then perhaps you are asking the wrong people. We have SA, remember :D, we're not experts in conversation.

It's pretty simple, I think. Just be yourself. I assume you have no trouble being yourself in front of relatives right? Well, be like that...


Well-known member
Thankfully, I don't have to socialize much at work because I have my own office and don't leave it too often, but when I am forced into a conversation I either ask about how their weekend was or what they're doing the following weekend...then sneak out!

What kind of job do you have seven?


Well-known member
Not all of this relates to me, but there will always be gossip, sporting events, computer games, tv, work related stuff etc. If you can find one of these things to talk about then that is a start.


Well-known member
Unless I get to know them really well (which hasn't been the cases for quite a while) the only thing I feel comfortable talking about is work-related stuff. I don't like to get into personal conversations.


Well-known member
Usually crap like what was on tv the night before, sporting events, movies, the weather, reminiscing on the good old days lol. Its difficult to have idle chitchat with someone you haven't really talked to but the more you do it the easier it becomes, you get to know their interests and bring up the topics accordingly.


Well-known member
i worked at the front desk in the middle of a huge showroom at a car dealership once.. salesmen would come by and stop and chat all day with me about random gossip going on at work and throw in a little sexual harrassment, ha! usually i just smile and nod or laugh or whatever is appropriate..

then i worked in a law office with a few girls i really got along with.. we just gossiped all day about random things at work.. our boss being a jerk, the girl who used to work there being a slut, etc etc.. ha :) or we'd talk about things on tv, sports going on, etc..

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I work on a computer all day, so if I'm taking a break I'll most likely be surfing the web. If a colleague initiates a conversation, then I'll talk about whatever he or she wants to discuss, but I never initiate conversations myself.