What kind of job could I get?


Well-known member
I'm in need of some money. I'm 17 years old, and I've never had a job in my life. I want a job, but with having social anxiety it's really hard to get one. Just thinking about having one makes me nervous. I want a job where I can just be alone. Being around people really freaks me out. And I really don't want to have to do an interview, but i'm guessing you have to do an interview if you want a job. Anyone have any ideas of a job I could get? Thanks.


Well-known member
I know exactly how you feel. I want a job where I'm just doing my own thing and have no social interaction at all!
Uhm...the only thing I can think of is being a custodian.... :\ The dishwasher job that LazyHermitCrab mentioned sounds waaay more appealing though. hah..


Dishwashing is not a quiet job, despite what it's about, there can be lots of pressure involved, actually (think about a yelling boss urging you to work faster...), and i highly doubt it would improve your social skills. Instead, I'd suggest to pick a job where you could slowly try to deal with your anxiety. Public museums and libraries are usually calm places where, of course, you'd have to deal with people, but not much, and you'd have to help them, inform them... which is very morally rewarding and could make a positive impact on your SA.


Well-known member
getting your first job is always a bit scarey lol .... but as for a job hmmm dunno id have to know what kind of place you live in first , do you animals ? maybe advertise your services as a dog walker for people that are to busy to take there dogs out for a walk ? lots of people do that in england were i live .... whatever you find good luck ...


Well-known member
Ha it's funny, I'm in exactly the same situation as you I've never had a job, and I'm the same age too! Although in order to try and improve myself I've tried sending out for jobs that require social interaction too just to see if I get anything back, (I even applied for mcdonalds...). I did apply for a library job but was told that it's being closed for some time for construction and that there's a temporary library being used in its place, I've sent an application there and am awaiting a response!