what is stopping u from overcoming SA??


As living in Canada the reason certainly isnt because I don't have health insurance and can't afford it. My reason is because I have other illnesses' that get priority in treatment over SA. More important illnesses like depression and my bone disease that threaten my life where as SA does not, however SA still affects my life and inhibits my ability to live life to its fullest extent.
Like you I was bullied in school for a very long time. I was also bullied in a work placed. The bullying started when I was I think about 14 and it continued until I was 23. The bullying totally broke me us a person. My confident was gone and I became extremely self conscious. Now at the age of 25 soon to be 26 I still feel like the old me.

I had taken some good step I did 12 week group cbt it has help. I also was on medication. They both had help to a certain point, but I still have most the difficulty I had before.

I don't think I can overcome it rather reduce it. Everyone will have SA at certain point in their life, so I know I can't get rid of it rather reduce it. I working on it men

Yohannes, what was it you were bullied about? What sort of negative judgements do you fear?
My experience is so similar to yours, I went from being very confident to being extremely self conscious because of years of bullying and put downs. I think I have been brainwashed by the negative judgements into believing that is how people see me and how I really am. I cannot shift those beliefs no matter how hard I try. But surely there is a way to overcome this. If it is possible to go from being so confident to being so self conscious then surely the reverse is possible too?


Well-known member
Only myself. I have no place to say something or someone else when I'm my biggest enemy. I look at life, the plans I keep for myself and what I'd like to achieve and I know all these things are possible. That I can make them happen, I'm not referring to something cliche like I can do anything I set my mind to but what I'd like to accomplish with myself is something that's very within my reach. Some days I blame SA but that's not always the case. It's about me being strong enough, taking the motivation for something better and applying it to how I view and perceive things. I have to change my entire way of thinking because as some of you said we're not worthless, that's the SA talking. Well I've let it talk for quite some time, I should change it and I am.

- I don't need to be worried about what someone thinks about me, I can't please everyone.
- I will never again push myself to be with someone when I feel it's not right, nor will I feel bad about my honest feelings. I won't allow myself to get hurt just to protect someone else. I will learn that in order to be happy with me, I don't have to please the other person.
- I will be the giving person I like to be but keep in mind that I should apply the same thought to myself because I'm worth it.
- Never again will I let another person's feelings overshadow my own. I can breathe easy knowing that I tried my hardest, if it doesn't work than it doesn't work.

I'll follow my heart and I absolutely do not care about your negative feelings on the subject. You input only has as much power as I allow it.


Active member
i think it's not practicing with social situations that doesen't let me overcome SA.
Unfortunately i don't have friends, if i could have them i'd manage to practise and being able to go to other social places like pubs, bars, clubs, parties ..
The environment doesen't help very much, one if want's to enjoy his self has to have a group of friends, there groups are closed, you can't get in them, it's so difficult to face people on it's one having SA not talking about the fact that here if you are a discreet person and you don't talk a lot, people take you like an unpleasant person and avoid you or worst pick on you, how many times i was picked on for example at work during lunch cause i didn't talk a lot ...