Simply put, I wanna have plans on Saturday night.
There are a plethora of things I have to work on of course, but that right there sums up everything I want and lack. To get there, have plans on Saturday nights, I have to have friends to go out with, I have to have a boyfriend who lives in the area to go out with...a job so I can have money to spend. And perhaps a vehicle to get around more easily. I need to learn to talk to people, make small talk; I need to apply to jobs, go back to school...and get over my fear of driving. Then I can work on the big things, like move out of my parents' house, get married and have kids.
I absolutely hate Friday and Saturday nights. They are the hardest time for me. What I have always wanted was to dress up and go out on the town, living it up, and that is still true. I want to go to parties, I want to go to bars, and clubs and enjoy myself. I want to meet lots of new people and talk and make jokes and stuff. Just have a good time. I always get to see my sister get all dolled up and head out; and I stay here in my sweats online. It kills me a little each time, like tonight.
Exactly how friendly I am on the internet...that's how I wanna be irl too.
YES. I can be so cool online...
So it is in me to be how I want to be.
So, what am I doing to accomplish my goals? Well, I began going out on my own during the day-significant since I mostly only go out with my safe person, my sister. And learning more about SA is really an eye-opener for me. The more I know about it, the better I will be at overcoming it. Well, I am hoping for that. So, I am reading on the subject as much as I can. And reading the threads here too.
I am also working on talking more and expressing my thoughts to others:
-Making small talk to cashiers. It is going better than I expected!
-Saying what comes to mind, when talking to people and even on this forum itself.
-Participating more on FB. Making more updates, commenting on people's posts, etc.
Elementary stuff I know, but I have to start somewhere. Next up is finding a volunteer position.
(Sorry for such a long post...this is just such an important question to consider and answer