What do you usually do when you're not feeling well and need to clear your mind?


Well-known member
I usually go for a drive...just drive downtown, get on the highway, drive to same random spot and once I feel like my mind's cleared up I drive back...

If driving isn't an option, I usually like to watch the simpsons or some other TV show at home...it's kind of my "comfort activity", the thing that makes me feel comfortable and that I do routinely...keeps my mind from wandering off and conjuring negative thoughts that mess up my day.

Sometimes - though rarely - I'll just fire up my PS3 and play one of the many games I hardly ever play...

What do you do? Read a book? Watch a favourite movie/listen to favourite music?


Well-known member
i guess i do a lot of different things... whatever i can do to occupy my mind.. and when there's not much i can do at all, i just force my mind elsewhere. like if i'm out somewhere and having a panic attack or not feeling good, i have to just tell myself "okay, well.. you'll feel better soon enough, so just try to think about something else" ..so i zero in on people's conversations and stuff..

usually if i feel panicky at home, it's at night when i can't sleep. i'll just get up and write in a journal or wake my dad up and make him talk to me so i can get my mind off it, haha.. i used to go driving to clear my mind, but that was before i was afraid to leave the house alone =/ lol


Well-known member
If I had a car, or a license, I would steal your driving idea. It sounds lovely, a little get-a-way without being in public and without being at home.

When i'm not feeling so well, I listen to some peaceful post-rock/atmospheric music. Unfortunately, many of the tunes I enjoy are considered depressing and only deepen whatever desapair I'm feeling during that specific moment. Sometimes I turn to documentaries that make me feel as if everybody is just as upset as I am, horrible I know, but it's a comforting thought in these moments.. x[. I usually journal with a cup of chamomile tea in my bed. When i'm angry I watch shows like Disorderly Conduct and vent in my head, hah. If i'm feeling extremely down I make myself go to bed early.


Well-known member
Have a stroll down the park, while listening to music. That's the onlything, atleast, for now that keeps my mind from bringing up any negative thoughts that'd ruin my day. Nothing else cheers me up. strange because I used to have a lot of things to do back then, but now life doesn't seem as interesting. this thought itself makes me feel down, I try not to think about it as best as I can.


I normally sit in front of the computer and veg until I can go to sleep. Then I 'try again' the next day.
Or I read. I love losing myself in a good book :)


Well-known member
i like to listen to music , go gym or practice martial arts . sometimes i go for a drive , a very 'spirited' drive too . if im feeling really lazy then just browsing the internet while taking advantage of grooveshark :)


Well-known member
guess im lucky in that respect i work a lot so dont have to much time to myself , but when i do im on here depends on the weather lol ......


Active member
Well for me reading is always a good option, but if I am really feeling out of sorts I will throw myself into Audio Guided Mental Exercises which help me to regain perspective, tranquility and direction.
I sleep.

Find someone to listen to me and then annoy them with my misery and pessimistic thoughts

masturbate....which gets me to sleep faster

Stare at the ceiling

thats about it, I used to draw but I haven't had the energy to do that in a while.
I take long walks at night, it helps me sort my thoughts out. There's a nicely wooded path between my neighborhood and another, it's nice to have it all to myself at later hours. Sometimes with/without headphones. Drugs work as well, but euphoria is only temporary unfortunately. Sometimes I'll take a short nap 1-2 hours and feel better upon waking. If I have a chore or task I've put off for a long time and complete it, like cleaning out my garage or throwing out/donating old junk...I feel better afterward.

Note: I don't suggest anyone using drugs to try an fix/cope with problems.


Well-known member
I usually try to sleep it off if I can, or briskwalking and taking in the cool night air, an activity that I lately have started embracing again.


Well-known member
I read, take a bath or take some sleep meds go to bed and hope it has passed in the morning.

(I am not recommending this, it's just what I do)


Well-known member
Drive around grab some drink from Tim Hortons or 7 Eleven. Window shop listen to music. Go to Church, pray, watch a movie online or a show. :)
A hot shower usually helps me a lot... otherwise listening to music, hanging out with my dog, or talking to mom.