What do you use as your mantra?


Well-known member
I've been doing muscle relaxation practice every day for 30 minutes to start, and I was wondering what word or phrase you all use to tell yourself to relax? I've been using "let go" and it helped a lot today. The phrases I've been using have been inconsistent though, and it's been tough to relax.


Well-known member
i guess my mantra would have to be "breathe", as simple as it is, lol.. i do have it tattooed on my wrist after all, haha

and 'this too, shall pass' is a good one.. especially if you're trying to relax from a stress causing situation :)


Well-known member
I try to use one for meditation and tai chi. (or whatever to relax) I got out of meditation and tai chi for a while - hard to focus back into it. One thing not to harp on is word you use lol. Should be simple like Katies.

A word I used was Red (had some personal meaning, representative of the "being" I wanted to be). Some ppl dont like meaningful words. Whatever works I say.