what do you do


Well-known member
when you get down ... me i listen to hardcore rave music , in fact im doing it now my earphones are on LOUD :D im not down at mo but i love all that hard core rave stuff .. whats your escape from life troubles ?


Well-known member
I chant daimoku. Or if I am really REALLY feeling down I log in my game (PWI) and pk my arch nemesis guild "Essence" Bwahahaha. They all must die. >:O

But for something less nerdy, less violent, and more normal...

I watch movies... A LOT of movies... or sometimes I go down to the river and just sit and listen to music...
My cigarettes and coffee watching TV or coming online also I like to read as well books or a magazine.
Sometimes hanging out with my best friend is an escape because he's really funny.


Super Moderator
Music, I try drawing something and spending time online. I don't really have much to do in those moments...


Well-known member
When i get down i have a good cry and feel sorry for myself, then a couple of hours later i start to feel a little better and put on some happy music to cheer myself up and then woo - la, happy aimee once again. :D
internet, going to the gym, reading books, playing video games, watching movies, sleeping.

im a master escape artist from life's troubles


Well-known member
I watch dvd's of entire series' of tv shows, listen to the music I posted in "Happy Songs : )"
, read, & try to sleep as much as possible, if possible. & try to stay even more reclusive than usual. I've been doing all that for a long time now because I've been down for a long time.


Well-known member
hmm, I guess I just read or watch TV/movies. Or I'll just lay in bed daydreaming about good ways my life could have turned out or could have been different if I was, for example, born just naturally outgoing.