What do you do to make time pass duing the day?


Well-known member
Eh... I just do the same as a lot of you. I sleep 8-11 hours a day, get on the computer after I wake up, spend about 12-15 hours(hour taken out for potty, shower, and such) on the computer chatting, roaming randomly, doing nothing, and if I'm lucky playing a game. I use to play video games only, but I stopped doing that cuz it's not so healthy to do with SA. It's hard to go from having fun playing video games to doing homework or work, even more with ADHD. So I'm gonna get use to being bored slowly. xD I rarely even play them anymore. =D It really sucks though, being bored and depressed all day doesn't do well on your eating habits...

I love how if you tell a doctor or anybody like that that you have SA and then mention video games, I'm sure they will think less of you then. What else are we suppose to do? Video games, TV, computer, not much difference. Books? This isn't the 19th century, not many people read books anymore. -.-
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Well-known member
me too. :/
Except I get inspired at night, and think I'm going to do something productive the next day and then when i wake up that feeling is gone and is replaced with apathy, which perches it's ugly head on my face for the rest of the day until around 10:00 when I get antsy again and decide I want to do something productive. and I think, well, there's always tomorrow. I'll just wait until then. repeat. repeat.

Wow. This.


Well-known member
I never feel like doing anything! Ah!

Lately I've been reading lots of Manga but for the past week I haven't downloaded any. I'm always looking for lots of Manga to read. I even joined a site called myanimelist and my 'plan to read' list is so long haha. When I'm not doing that or finding things to download I'm waiting for people to talk to me on MSN.