What do you do for a living?


Well-known member
Do you have a career or just a job? Do you enjoy what you do? and what affect does having social anxiety put on your job performance?


Well-known member
I used to work as a grocery stocker/cashier, but now I'm just a grocery stocker. I don't mind it as I get to work at my own pace, generally by myself, and get to listen to music while I work.


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I just got my first full-time job in animal care. I work mostly with the animals, but I do still have to interact with coworkers, volunteers, my boss, etc. My biggest problem is with trying to fit in with my coworkers, because I get envious when I see them all becoming best friends with each other and I feel left out. Other than that, it's a great way to avoid having to work a lot with the public. I highly recommend animal care for introverts, because being peppy and outgoing is NOT a job requirement.


Well-known member
i manage a clothing store

my biggest issue with social anxiety centers around dealing with my boss

my biggest problem is avoidance - brought on by anxiety over my performance

unless i'm confident in what i'm doing, i tend to procrastinate getting things done

i'm making alot of progress though - not nearly as bad i used to be

probably because, given enough time, my self-confidence continues to grow


Well-known member
I'm a cook/kitchen aid and chef trainee managing a canteen for a small insurance company of about 75 people.

My SA isn't as bad as it used to be, and being out amongst people everyday sure helps a lot. I'm still uncomfortable around some of my customers though.


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Given enough time, the growing expectations I feel people have of me grind my self-confidence into dust.

I'd be a beginner forever if I could.

i run into that, too
it's nice not having anyone expect you to be able to do anything or know anything
but the longer you're there, the more they expect you to know
and it provokes the anxiety trying to live up to expectations
but there seems to be a tipping point for me
at some point my confidence in what i'm doing overcomes the worry that i might not be doing it good enough
unfortunately, that's also about the time i begin to get bored
and feel like i'd rather find something else to do
and start the whole cycle over again


Well-known member
I work in an assembly line,but lately they changed my job so I have to know everyones work and if someone is absent I work in their place,if no one is absent I mostly get to stare at people working all day .....
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Roman Legion

Well-known member
I work in an assembly line,but lately they changed my job so I have to know everyones work and if someone is absent I work in their place,if no one is absent I mostly get to stare at people working all day .....

I once worked for Utility Trailers doing side wall lining.. Those slave drivers still irritate me and I no longer work there (Got fired because I was having severe medical issues)