What distracts you?


Well-known member
I was just wondering what you guys do to distract you from OCD thoughts!

Me, I draw... but lately I've been terrified of drawing because i saw somewhere that people with schizophrenia draw to express themselves... so every time i draw, I'm afraid that I'm going schizo! There isn't much else I can do that calms my nerves :mad:

So what do you do?

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
- Videogames
- Anime
- Movies
- Books
- SPW and other forums
- Making signatures in PS
- Playing DDR
- Magic the Gathering
- Studying Chinese

That´s all I can think of at the moment ._.


Well-known member
I read. I once stopped reading because i convinced myself it was the root of all evil and would make me crazy/depressed/schizophrenic. Then i became very depressed and crazy and went through a really scizophrenic faze. So now i'm back to reading, because it makes me happy! Do what makes you happy and you save yourself a lot of trouble. Besides, i really envy people who can draw well, because i'm hopeless at it. It would be such a waste of talent to just give it up!


Well-known member
-funny TV shows
-deep breathing if I work myself up too much
-sometimes I just take a zanax.


* Sleeping
* Daydreaming
* Drawing
* Staring at the wall with my mouth open for hours
* Staring at the computer screen doing nothing
* Staring at nothing
* Shopping online
* Moping
* Coming here :)