What book or movie made you sad?


Well-known member
The book that makes me cry every time would probably be "the outsiders". A brilliant book in my opinion, but im a very emotional person so i cry easily in many books and movies. and songs. and tv ads.
The book that makes me cry every time would probably be "the outsiders". A brilliant book in my opinion, but im a very emotional person so i cry easily in many books and movies. and songs. and tv ads.

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Well-known member
I enjoy biographies of child abuse survivors, they are often quite sad.
David Pelzer's books a child called it, the lost boy and a man named dave are a brilliant read but a heartbreaking story.


Well-known member
Les mes the one with russell crowe and hugh jackman wow so sad .. and prays for bobby cry everytime


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A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway - left me with a sad empty feeling after I finished it.

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen - Shed a tear on this one even though things workout in the end (not to give anything way!!)
A song for marion

its about this women who is dying and she goes to a singing group and the singing group get signed up for a competition, I suggest you watch it, its a good film with some funny bits in it as well. I went to see it at the cinema and I couldn't stop crying.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, and Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon, made me so sad. So, so sad. It left permanent emotional scars.

why, mr. bay? why? :C
Castaway's one of 'em. Can't think of any more at the moment but I know there are more...

There was this one book I read as a child that was about a kid who loses her grandfather, it was sooooo sad... Then there was The Giving Tree, and Are You My Mother? (don't know why that one made me sad, something about the baby bird looking for his mother but not being able to find her and instead running into all these cold, lifeless man-made machines like forklifts. lol, weird).

In middle school they read us a book about a homeless kid who lived in a box in an alley or something, these cruel children tormented him by holding his eye open under a soap dispenser and pumping it, and they killed his only friend in the world - a scruffy stray cat that was missing an eye :( When I found out they killed his cat, oh man... I can still recall how it made me felt more than the details. What an awful book to read to children.

Edit: here it is: http://cimages.swap.com/images/books/53/0440442753.jpg

Guess he didn't live in a box. And maybe the cat wasn't missing an eye? Or maybe the cruel kids poked it out or something. I got some of the details right at least ;P This post is getting way too long.
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