What are your plans for Valentines?


Well-known member
Me...Nothing. I'm going to hide away in the house and not watch tv, i don't want to see couples all lovey dovey. I might buy my cats valentines cards:)


Well-known member
Call me an old-fashioned romantic but I plan to hook up with some random girl I meet on the day, take her home and film us having sex. Then post it on the internet.


Well-known member
I'll do nothing but staying home and sitting in front of the monitor. Maybe I try to read my novel but nowadays I can''t concentrate on reading becouse my brain is constantly busy with SP. My friend talked about going out but it sounds stupid. 3 boys are out among the couples. Everybody would think that we must be gays. :D No way.


Well-known member
Well on the way from work today i brought two dvds and a bottle of Scotch. It was pretty depressing seeing people buying chocolates and flowers. I wish i had someone to do that to.