What are your plans for Valentines?


Active member
Call me an old-fashioned romantic but I plan to hook up with some random girl I meet on the day, take her home and film us having sex. Then post it on the internet.

If you are serious about that, then yes, you need to post every detail of what happened on here


Well-known member
really sad

I am so depressed because my bf and i are in a long distance relationship. He even told me that he is not going out that day because everybody is going to be wearing red and what not. I really miss him!!!!!!! We don't really have a plan, we are going to call each other late at night to say sweet stuff to each other. We both will probably end up crying :(.::(:


Well-known member
"What are your plans for Valentines?"

Such a cruel question to ask on this forum, lol:D

As usual, I did nothing at all.


Well-known member
...boring...I can't even feel depressed. Actually I feel nothing. Songs also seems meaning less. Sometimes I gaze into a space feeling no emotion and no thoughts and then go on spending my time looking at threats.


Well-known member
Happy Valentine's Day everybody.
I'm such a Valentine's Day noob I don't even remember if you only say that to your Valentines or to everybody.


Well-known member
Today (Valentine's Day) the man that I have been having a long distance relationship with for a long time... the man that tells me he loves me and with whom I am planning on spending two months traveling through South America with in the summer... told me about his new girlfriend.

His new girlfriend is warmer and more open and loving than I am.

Happy fukking Valentines Day.
Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I watched Lady and the Tramp, my favorite Disney movie for obvious reasons, then watched the Wedding Singer, as Adam Sandler put it best, LOVE STINKS!!!


I don´t care about celebrations or special days, for me every day is the same. Often I don´t know what date is or what day in a week (only in case I need to know). I don´t even celebrate my birthday.


Well-known member
Today (Valentine's Day) the man that I have been having a long distance relationship with for a long time... the man that tells me he loves me and with whom I am planning on spending two months traveling through South America with in the summer... told me about his new girlfriend.

His new girlfriend is warmer and more open and loving than I am.

Happy fukking Valentines Day.

Oh man! That sucks!!!!!!!

I'm sorry to hear that. He sounds like an insensitive asshole anyway. You're probably better off.


Well-known member
I don´t care about celebrations or special days, for me every day is the same. Often I don´t know what date is or what day in a week (only in case I need to know). I don´t even celebrate my birthday.

I am the same. My gf and I did not celebrate it as it is quite the lame holiday. Why not show your love for one another every day?


Well-known member
I don´t care about celebrations or special days, for me every day is the same. Often I don´t know what date is or what day in a week (only in case I need to know). I don´t even celebrate my birthday.

This. But for religious reasons also.

I absolutely detest valentines day.