What are your dreams?


Active member
Despite the current problems with interacting with other people, what are some of your dreams for the future? They don't have to be realistic :)

Mine is to create a new school in a different country where there isn't as much redtape. Then to find teachers who are willing to teach students in a kind manner...

That's mine for now. What's yours?


Well-known member
I dream to be good at what I educate myself too and getting a job and a home and being able to live alone. And take a big trip with my best friend and in that trip visit people at SPW.


Well-known member
I don't dream I have goals. My goal is when I finish with my accounting degree. I want to study psychology to help ppl like us. I find it that the only ppl that can truly help SA ppl is SA ppl.


Well-known member
To be a multi millionaire CEO of a corporation that creates positive products/services. And with part of the money, I want to fund research for different things that I like, including for the treatment of SA.

It's interesting because my desires for life can be considered both greedy and giving at the same time, yet neither at the same time lol


Well-known member
Have enough money to not need a job anymore..drop out of the rat race.....build my dream log cabin on a nice secluded piece of land surrounded by blue spruce...complete with undergound lair/big dry basement & fill it with state of the art workout equipment...& other nice things..exercise atleast 2 hours a day...maybe start drawing or even painting as a hobby... the rest of the time enjoy relaxing watching movies & or tv in my movie screen room...ride go-karts on my very own paved road course...invite my family & close friends over to hang out every other weekend or so & spoil them with cook outs & fun :) ...fruit smoothies for everyone...with those little umbrella thingy's sticking out of them or something...maybe even add a little alcohol to it once in awile :)


Well-known member
Above all, I want to be happy. & for me, happiness = falling in love with a guy who loves me as much as i love him.

But, it's only a dream... :(


Well-known member
My dream is to provide for my family for the rest of my life,and not having to work menial work anymore,go back to my native country brazil and chill for the rest of my life,or find a nice quiet place in europe to live.
Fall in mutual love, get married, have kids, have a vacation home in Capri, make better standards for hiring for people in group homes, become fluent in sign language, stop my nail biting habit, actually carry out and get my PhD in developmental psychology and work on helping individuals with developmental disabilities of all ages... um yeah I guess that's it.


Well-known member
To meet the girl of my dreams. To have a clear mind. To have enough money for the rest of my life, so I don't have to work for morons. And live in a log cabin in the wilderness.


Active member
My dream is met someone fall in love and have kids with that person someday.
But also have a good job so i can provide for my my family when i do have one .


Well-known member
I just want to be happy. I want to be able to smile and wake up each day feeling genuinely good about life.


Well-known member
I dream of the end of this sinful world and the beginning of a different, better world, maybe something like the Lennon's dream...


Active member
get through the last year of my course, continue to have a great relationship with my family, few friends and my boyfriend.

marriage would be nice!

and tackle this SA nonsense once and for all!!!