What a bunch of downers!!!!


Well-known member
okay okay I know we are all feeling a little down because we can't leave the house or make friends... but we need to lighten things up around here!! I get depressed and anxious just reading ya'lls threads. I noticed that it helps to be able to laugh at my anxiety..

So now I ask you.. wheres the weirdest place you've had anixety/panic attacks?

Mine: church,and I'm not talkin about quiet long catholic church..Im talking about southern black baptist church!!
I was already nervous about going because I was afraid to get up during the sermon and draw attention to myself, but i went anyway. So I'm sitting there with my family and then the sermon gets really passionate and people start jumping up and praising jesus and dancing around (catching the holy ghost) I started to get a little freaked out by the commotion and I got up to head to the restroom. when I was walking down the aisle the preacher singles me out (why me I have no idea) and calls me down to the front. By now im shaking and begining to cry. Preacher thinks I'm in the throes of the holy ghost and is praising jesus all over me and people are coming up to lay hands on me and stuff....I felt like I was about to be sacrificed. I got so worked up that I threw up all over the plush red carpet. No one got angry though, they just assumed I was "expelling evil" XD

I had to be one of THE worst attacks I've ever had, but now everytime I think about it I laugh.


Well-known member
Mine: church,and I'm not talkin about quiet long catholic church..Im talking about southern black baptist church!!
I was already nervous about going because I was afraid to get up during the sermon and draw attention to myself, but i went anyway. So I'm sitting there with my family and then the sermon gets really passionate and people start jumping up and praising jesus and dancing around (catching the holy ghost) I started to get a little freaked out by the commotion and I got up to head to the restroom. when I was walking down the aisle the preacher singles me out (why me I have no idea) and calls me down to the front. By now im shaking and begining to cry. Preacher thinks I'm in the throes of the holy ghost and is praising jesus all over me and people are coming up to lay hands on me and stuff....I felt like I was about to be sacrificed. I got so worked up that I threw up all over the plush red carpet. No one got angry though, they just assumed I was "expelling evil" XD


speechless :D

edit: update - 5 mins later I'm still laughing


Active member
That's a reason why I don't go to church. lol. There are just WAY too many people there, and they always want people to come up and give testimony. I'm Christian (non-denominational) as well.

The most weirdest place I got an attack was in a ladies' restroom at the mall. It was a Saturday, and a lot of people in the bathrooms. There were these bunches of teenager "mean girl" types at the sinks prepping up their makeup. I just had a panic attack right there, and didn't even wash my hands until I found another bathroom. (gross, I know. hahaha.)

I hate malls either way, but I had to go to get my Mom something for her b-day. I laugh when I look back at it.


Well-known member
lol malls are the DEVIL!! i can only go in the morning.. during a weekday...when the old people are there. XD


They thought your throwing up evil? Haha thats funny... that really is funny, shows how believable religion is but whatever Iam not here to put a downer to peoples believes.

Nice story maybe the priest or whatever he is can heal you of this evil/SA lol

Iam laughing my ass of... noone was angry coz they thought it was evil haha
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Jay Cataldo

Well-known member
Vomit: sometimes it's nine captain and cokes and sometimes it's just pure evil.

Best story ever. You're my new hero.


Well-known member
Yep funny story. I got them in church just from being there among all the people, feeling like im being watched and cant relax.


Well-known member
I was once late for an international flight, from Boston to London. I was taking too long to pack and get ready at home, and by the time I hailed a cab to take me to the airport, I had more or less missed the flight already. So I was panicking in the back seat of the taxi when all of a sudden my breathing started getting out of control, my chest became tight, I felt dizzy and nauseous, and eventually I passed out. The next thing I know I'm laying in the back of an ambulance. The male nurse next to me handed me a bunch of $20 bills that had fallen out of my pocket (which I'd drawn out of an ATM earlier to pay for the cab). He looked at me and was like "did you win the lotto, dude?" and I weakly went "no, that's just how I roll" before passing out again. Well, I thought it was pretty funny, at least.
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Well-known member
Thank you MM that story is hell lot of fun haha

I would like to vomit at counsellors place. And then to be sent at gastroentherologist and to talk him a story of my life


Well-known member
I was once late for an international flight, from Boston to London. I was taking too long to pack and get ready at home, and by the time I hailed a cab to take me to the airport, I had more or less missed the flight already. So I was panicking in the back seat of the taxi when all of a sudden my breathing started getting out of control, my chest became tight, I felt dizzy and nauseous, and eventually I passed out. The next thing I know I'm laying in the back of an ambulance. The male nurse next to me handed me a bunch of $20 bills that had fallen out of my pocket (which I'd drawn out of an ATM earlier to pay for the cab). He looked at me and was like "did you win the lotto, dude?" and I weakly went "no, that's just how I roll" before passing out again. Well, I thought it was pretty funny, at least.

Thats soo funny! I want to be able to make funny comments like that!