Went to the gym hard to smile without thinking I'm a creep or afraid to approach woma


Well-known member
The gym is not the place to approach women, mate. They just want to work out in peace.


Well-known member
For some men it seems every waking moment is an opportunity to approach women.

Outdoor exercise is the way to go.


Well-known member
You should only go to the gym for your own sake, not to pick up women. Most of the people are at the gym to exercise, not to socialize. :)
Felgen hit the nail on the head. Going to the gym with an expectation of meeting someone will put you in a mindset of self-induced pressure. Workout to feel healthy, positive and more confident when you socialize outside of that environment. The last thing you want is an awkward encounter with someone at the gym that makes you dread returning to the place.


Well-known member
Felgen hit the nail on the head. Going to the gym with an expectation of meeting someone will put you in a mindset of self-induced pressure. Workout to feel healthy, positive and more confident when you socialize outside of that environment. The last thing you want is an awkward encounter with someone at the gym that makes you dread returning to the place.

Good answer. Can guys extend this to lecture/lab? I really just want to do my coursework, listen to professor, etc. and leave.