

Well-known member
Ok i shell break it down for you, I want to hear experiences of people attending family weddings and how everyone got through it. Im the sister of the bride and expected to perferm the duty's of an asher. If anyones been there, advice would be great..

Im 23, i first joined this forum in 2001 under a different name but have found myself coming back under my 2nd name(cos i got found out, blah blah).
I will be 100% honest, i've had SP for a number of years and stopped visiting this website because it depressed me to much. It seems everyone i did know i'snt here anymore (i hope for good reasons!)


Well-known member
I would be interested in hearing personal stories as well. I am in a similar situation. My sister is getting married in June and I am supposed to be one of the groomsman.

I **** myself in fear thinking about what it will be like. I picture myself having a panic attack and collapsing right in the middle of the ceremony.


Well-known member
I've never been to a wedding, but I did go to a really big(more than 60 people) celebratory party for my cousins marriage. It was a terrible experience, I could barely speak and I sat at a table with close family and by myself for 7 hours trying to make it seems like I wasn't having an anxiety attack.
Maybe meditating ahead of time, bach flower remedies, or even having a drink before might be helpful ?(I assumed I'd be fine and didn't try any preventatives). Seeing as it's a siblings wedding, you might have an easier time trying to focus on their happiness and making it a good experience for them, so it's bigger than your experience.
I hope the best for you bretters and forksandspoons.


I had agreed to be a groomsman at my brother's wedding but I backed out. It confused a lot of relatives. The looks I was getting and the questions being asked made me want to just get out of there.

To this day my brother and his wife hold that against me. If I ever got married I wouldn't even bother asking my brother to participate considering how I behaved when he asked me.


Well-known member
I have been a bridesmaid before it wasn’t easy; about the only thing that was positive is that you don’t have to talk during the event. ::eek::


Well-known member
I've been in several weddings - they were all torture

especially the ones where i was the groom
I had to be a bridesmaid for my mother and older sister when I was much younger.
I wish I knew about Inderal (beta-blocker) back then. If I could have gone through both Weddings knowing that I would not have to worry about anyone noticing the bouquet in my hands shaking bad as i walked down the aisle it would have made it a bit more bearable.
They also stop your heart thumping out of your chest and therefore you can breath better, so you don't have to worry so much about fainting through lack of oxygen.
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Well-known member
ive been a groomsman before. its pretty easy, you just stand there and look cool. brides maids do the same.


Well-known member
Just wanna thank everyone for their reply's.
I will go into it knowing i dont have to talk and the main focus is of course on the bride!

cheers mateys!


Well-known member
I lost a friend because I could not accept his request of being Best Man. At the time I did not know what anxiety was and what I was feeling - just couldn't give him a valid reason. Some friend I was.


Well-known member
ive been a groomsman before. its pretty easy, you just stand there and look cool. brides maids do the same.
In front of tons of people. That is easy? Thats one of the hardest things in the world for me.

Ill be 21 by then by I don't care about the free alcohol. Im not really a drinker. Maybe Ill have a beer but for the most part I won't drink.