wasted YEARS


Active member
Just wondering if anyone else is going on more than a few years of wasting time because of social phobia? Im 23 , ill be 24 this July and my lifes been completely halted since i was at least 17 =/ (and i dont mean dealing with SP, ive been dealing with it all my life, but only these past 6 years has it been stopping me from doing much of anything)


Well-known member
Yes totally man. My social phobia was seriously overwhelming but I think smoking weed for so damn long was the main reason. Weed is a total drain and its seriously not good to get comfy with your life.

I'll be 25 this year, my anxiety kicked off when I was about 18. When I compair myself to others my age Im not sure what to think. Alot of my old friends have been to college and have gotten into the grind (work, wife, children).

Having gotten over the fear of anxiety I'm proud to say I'll be going back to school this year. I'm also grateful I dont have a morgage or a few mini mes running about. Thank you SA lol :)


Having gotten over the fear of anxiety I'm proud to say I'll be going back to school this year. I'm also grateful I dont have a morgage or a few mini mes running about. Thank you SA lol :)

Yep, SA is the best birth control a man can get these days.:D I'll be starting school too and I'm kinda glad I don't have any other responsibilities to worry about, I guess every cloud does have a silver lining.


I will be 30 in less than 2months..............panic disorder has stricken me to this degree since I was 18......so Ive lost almost half my life.....ALL of my 20's :(

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
don't think of it that way! theres alot more to life than the social end of it. you know its like if your lactose intolerant, you dont go my life's crap because i cant drink milk. you go drink something besides milk. so you know, drink something besides society and the whole prepackaged life (minivan and mortgage like you say) what would really be a waste is to live a life thats already been lived a million times.


Well-known member
I will be 30 in less than 2months..............panic disorder has stricken me to this degree since I was 18......so Ive lost almost half my life.....ALL of my 20's :(

I know what you mean. It's not that I haven't achieved anything more that I haven't achieved a lot. I don't like to think of all those wasted years. They seem to go a lot faster as well the older I get.


Well-known member
So what do you think your going to do if you had the chance?!

RULE the world?

Do you think those people out there who are working are very satisfied? When i was out there i used to feel everything i feel now!! The loneliness,frustration of not being wanted or fitting in an group, friends not calling me even if we had a good understanding, frustration of not able to achieve. I had everything.

Even Alexander who said to have conquered the world, died a miserable B@$%@ and gave misery to a lot of people. What good his name or fame to him now? Can he feel it,appreciate it,sense it?


Well-known member
hope thing improve for you soon lol but i do know what you mean sa stops you doing a lot of things , all you can do really is fight it , you control sa dont let it control you , not easy me know and you will get some very awkward times , but just get out there and do your best to cope with it , thats all you can do really ...


Well-known member
Definitely. My entire life has been wasted. I'm also really tired of people telling me that I'm not trying hard enough & accusing me of just sitting around doing nothing. The little that I do do is absolutely overwhelming for me, so why should I add more on to it when I can barely handle what I'm doing now?


Well-known member
Definitely. My entire life has been wasted. I'm also really tired of people telling me that I'm not trying hard enough & accusing me of just sitting around doing nothing. The little that I do do is absolutely overwhelming for me, so why should I add more on to it when I can barely handle what I'm doing now?

Why dont you take a back pack trip to some favorite country?


Well-known member
I'm currently 18, and my SA started when I was about 10. I remember before every single year of school I would tell myself "Ok, this isn't going to be like last year". And even when things didn't change that year, I "knew" that by the time I turned 18 I would be having fun with my life..



Active member
Definitely. My entire life has been wasted. I'm also really tired of people telling me that I'm not trying hard enough & accusing me of just sitting around doing nothing. The little that I do do is absolutely overwhelming for me, so why should I add more on to it when I can barely handle what I'm doing now?

I get that too, the not trying hard enough bit. It's funny that people say that when they have no idea the MENTAL turmoil we go through. Brought upon by ourselves or not, its real. Just thinking through things seems to me to be a barrier in and of itself.


Active member
I also don't believe in getting over it. At all.

You think like that and you won't ever. D= I've heard people say happiness is a switch, in a way I think it is. Were all unhappy only because our personal views about the world are horribly skewered. One thing that helped me, idk if itll help anyone but I stopped making assumptions about how things should be. Life is ruled by chance and true happiness only comes when you love your fate, no matter what it brings. (Remember all the suffering we go through DOES have a purpose, it makes us who we are.)


Well-known member
Definately I'm only 18 but my life has never really got off the ground even when I was a little kid I was a shut in just like I am now and for the same reason, a fear of being ridiculed.
I agree, I feel like I wasted all my last 11 years, I have had this since about 13, and all I did was do as I was told and sit and do nothing otherwise. It sucks.


Well-known member
I am 24 and am currently in the same boat. But at least i have been trying more of late...

I think talking to you guys has helped too!