Warning! Mature topic. Males 40+ only

:confused: Ear hair, nose hair - what's it all about, huh? We lose it from the tops of our heads and it reappears elsewhere. What possible evolutionary purpose does this unstoppable mid-life follicular sprouting serve? :b
this is the law of physics, energy never disappears :> life energy, in human case.

and hair laser removal?
knew one girl who had these laser treatments to remove mustache, and ended growing more hair on her neck. looked pretty manly :p but you won't have an issue with that i think :9
(actually she was my basic training commander)...(and got a pretty mean nickname because if it)....

Ooooo...I might get my legs lasered and see if it grows back on my head! Will it still be leg hair though?:confused:


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I'm not male or over forty. Sorry. :) But wow, Phocas I don't know you so I found it really funny to see that post with that picture! Latte, are you a 40 year old man too??

I must say I love hairy men. And by the way women have the exact same problem most of the time. Maybe not receding hairlines. But of course, society expects us to be naturally smooth and hairless. When we are faaar from that.


Well-known member
my best friend has hair all over his back, and he's ashamed of it.. but i like it cause it really suit him ^^

Some hair might seem/be unhygienic so that might be a nono ..

but the rest is just your own style.. like i have hair on my toes.. but i can laugh about it xD serves no particular purpose or anything but ok xD


Well-known member
totally agree like, why did evolution give us hair, down there?

Keeps it warm I think?

I'm not over 40 so I'll haul my ass out of here but I wanna say I'm pretty much over 40 in this regard. I have to use one of those nose/ear/eyebrow hair things haha but yeah much like Mr. Coyote my hair matches my skin tone so I can go quite a while without shaving and nobody would notice.