Want to help a shy guy at work


Well-known member
I'm "shy" and my style is: "if you can ask me a question, I'll try my best to reply...I may even go out of my way to give the best reply I can...but don't expect it to be too loud. I'll probably mumble and nod my head."

The point is, you need to freak him out. Not talking to him will further his daily habit of not talking to anybody and just shying away from confrontation. Be his friend, and he will open up to you. You may be the only non-family member he's got! Go for it! :D

I'm not suggesting a random person become my therapist

But a helping hand and a friend who understands isn't too much to ask, or I thought it wasn't.

Just me two cents: Any help is good. Any progress counts. If that shy guy just let his SA sit there, it will grow and he will never improve. Any change is good. Sometimes SA-sufferers (...me?) need a good spanking to wake them up from their little cocoon.

I sometimes get shakes too. I try to stifle the shakes as much as I can but I always think that everyone totally notices. :mad:

Sometimes I just think in my head "FCK Y'ALL! What are you staring at? You never see a citizen trying to do a good deed? GO FCK YOURselves for ignoring people in need!" when I do something embarrassing like volunteering to do something in school.
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Well-known member
I'm diagnosed with SAD and agoraphobia

its extremely bad, I can't look anyone in the eye. Not even my own mother. I have muscle spasms and shakes in public, panic attacks, etc. I don't answer the door in my own home.

I have one 'key' to unlocking being comfortable with someone, or even being able to look at them. I have to spend a lot of time with them and I have to feel their sincerity that they aren't judging me or that they truly care.

not fun business ::(:

I sometimes get shakes too. I try to stifle the shakes as much as I can but I always think that everyone totally notices. :mad:
Just me two cents: Any help is good. Any progress counts. If that shy guy just let his SA sit there, it will grow and he will never improve. Any change is good. Sometimes SA-sufferers (...me?) need a good spanking to wake them up from their little cocoon.

That is true as well - didn't think of that ;)

I have had some pretty confrontational or embarrassing moments at work, but I've found that they do help with my SA. Good point! ;)


Well-known member
okay I'll try these things! Thanks.

another question.. if i did want to introduce him to SPW how would i bring it up? He doesnt really know that everyone knows about his problem. >.>

"Hey so...I've been wanting to tell you about this cool site that I go on for my problems too. We're in the same boat...here...<hands him slip of paper>"



Well-known member
XD I'll give it a try next time I see him.. Man, today he was in ninja mode..lol one minute he was there.. next BAM!! gone!