Ups and downs?


Well-known member
God!! some days I feel incredible and I can run up to anyone and be social and feel amazing... and then there are days like today where i wake up and feel like the worlds biggest peice of living shit. I feel like a reanimated corpse that is slushing it's way through the day waiting to die.

WTF? I did nothing differently yetserday than I did today, and yesterday was amazing.... today made me want to crawl into a hole and die a painful death.

Who else has this kind of psychological dredge and torture inflicted upon them by their sadistic minds on a semi-regular basis, like this little lamb here?

FUCK!!! Fuck my fucking life!!!!


Well-known member
Yes, every single day. I can start off happy in the morning and then quickly turn to shi*t when I realise it's another day nothing's changed.

Sacrament said:

Obviously I can't speak for anyone else but I don't think I get that extreme. I often think that I must go up and down the most you can without having a disorder though.


Well-known member
Yeah i have ups and downs all the time. I can be elated one minute then i will drop down and feel like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I hate my moodiness.


Well-known member
I use to be like that but now i am learning the virtues of patience, changes with this problem dont came day to night, so, with a plan, persistence and patience, small stuff start to happen.


Well-known member
This happens to me all the time. One day I feel great and the next... BOOM, I feel awful.


Well-known member
I've actually been keeping trck of my moods on my calaendar to see if there is some kind of trend. Maybe I'm more likey to get bummed out or lonley of elated and excited at certain times of the week or month. So far I only have enough data for 2 months... not enough for a trend, but I feel like there may be one there.


Well-known member
I get that a lot too. I wish there was some way to trick my body into the up day mode.


Well-known member
Doing the same thing (usually unproductive things) each day over and over again and getting the same results is what kills me.


Well-known member
Argamemnon said:
Doing the same thing (usually unproductive things) each day over and over again and getting the same results is what kills me.

Ive been trying hard to break my routine lately and do something small each day that makes me happy. It usually helps me get through each day when at work i can think, man, after work i'm going to do "x" and its going to be awesome.

Yesterday it was bubble bath. Must have been my first bubble bath in 20 years. I foundout if you smoosh the bubbles on your face then exhale you can blow bubbles with your mouth. It was awesome.


Well-known member
I get ups and downs. With the SSRI I take (Lexapro) it helps and thankfully most days are good. On the down days I just find ways to relax like surf the net, go for a walk/run etc. According to my psychiatrist it is the anxiety from depression which causes it, so I take either Valium or Xanax and it helps, different for everyone though.