Unpopular opinions


Well-known member
I think there are certain people that really shouldn't have kids, or arn't trained enough to go about it properly, if you cant even look after yourself then what gives you the right to bring a child into the world ..

well you do have the right however only if you ignite some form of independence and not control over your child, you need to promote risk taking more so then being safe and parents generally do the opposite because they sense ownership, they condition their own influences onto the child for years and years, guilt, worry, you name it .. ..

i to this day believe that you have to bring a "fun" loving influence to the parenting process, the more uptight and conservative you are the more damage you'll inflict ..

thats my opinion and its based on a bias view of observing different families in my own experiance ..but its how i see it


Well-known member
yeh i agree, i think its about making rules, because kids do need rules, but letting them do their own thing between the rules, letting them grow as individual people.


Well-known member
Helloooo Bleach. :D

I just wanted to tell ya that I responded to this thread some time ago but the next day I deleted it... for some reason!? (seemed to make sense at the time :? )

In that deleted response, I basically said that I was trying to point out my perception of ludicrousness in said theory. Also that I've found you to be an excellent Debator and I've enjoyed the philosophical discussion. :D

And finally:
A lot of men are attracted to big boobs. But I don't think any men look at them and think "You know what, if we had a baby, the mammary glands in those things would be perfect for feeding a child..."

Ooohh reeally? I had a guy tell me he wanted to date me because he thought I had- what he called- good 'birthing hips'! 8O Aack! We never dated! Instead, I became obsessed with my 'huge hips' and started dieting like mad! :evil: :? ... :D

Hasta Luego!


Well-known member
yeh same here, like giving up a seat for an old person on the bus, seeing a crying kid on their own and talking to them, why would i do that for my own gain??

i like to believe their are good people in the world


Well-known member
Hi Jinxed… and Nicki. :evil: (I'm iust kidding, Nicki, don't go all crazy on me... well, sort of kidding anyway ... :wink: :D )

I can completely understand how you'd both disagree with "everything we do is selfish". Sooo, I'll try to explain my theory. (It's not my theory, per say, it's some philosophers' theory but I agree with it!)

I’m not saying that selfishness is good or bad or there are no good people in the world. As Bleach mentioned, most people automatically equate the word selfishness with something negative or evil. Earlier, I said:
Even the most kind-hearted act is, in the end, acted upon by the person to fulfill a desire within themselves, hence, selfish. Maybe that desire is simply to achieve the good feeling you get knowing you helped someone. It doesn't actually matter what the desire is, it is still selfish. Whether that's good, bad or indifferent, I don't know but that's human nature.
So, in the one example, if you give your seat to an elderly person on the bus (a good deed), you ultimately do this to either experience pleasure from helping the person or to avoid the pain it would cause you to NOT help them. Either way, both are selfish. This is what I was getting at when I said parenting is selfish, too. Because all acts are ultimately selfish. Again, Not good. Not bad. Just is.

Neways, if you google Ayn Rand she writes about all this.

Here's an unpopular opinion. I really dislike the movie Amelie. I had my itunes on scramble and one of the songs from the soundtrack sprung up and I started feeling rather awful.

I saw that movie but have no memory of the songs in it. Or the plot. Just that she made those two people hook up in the closet. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Parents don't want what is best for their children. They want what is best for themselves.

If you look at the way parents raise their children, you see two clear themes arise: the first is for their kids to be "safe" at all times, and to steer clear of risky behavior. The second is to pursue long-term heterosexual relationships with the ultimate goal of producing more kids. The reason? Yes, it's the same old genetics game -- keeping the bloodline alive, preserving their legacy on their world into subsequent generations and, they hope, perpetuity. Parents don't want their children to be courageous, unique, creative, or even necessarily happy. Those characteristics would only sacrifice a "normal" life for one with an increased risk of mortal danger, which would put the bloodline at risk. Raising children is an entirely selfish action.

I would also like to add that most people, once they make the decision to raise kids (or to keep the one they involuntarily made), live such incredibly dull lives that i don't see how they can stand it.

Bleach, just wondering, are you by chance either a middle child, step child, or both?