Unforgettable Quotes from Movies

Henry: "Did you hear from anyone yet?"
Family Member: "No, Henry, you're the first to call. Is everybody all right?"
Henry: "Maria and Lucas are not here."
Family Member: "What do you, what do you mean they're not there?"
Henry: "The water came and swept everyone away, and I found, I found Thomas and Simon… and I don't know what to do. I don't know where to look. Lots of people need to use the phone okay? I'll call you later."
Tourist: "You can't leave it like that. Come on."
Henry: "It's me again. Look, I promise you that I won't stop looking until I find them, okay? I don't know what I'm going to do cause it's nighttime now but I'll look in all the hospitals and I look in all the shelters. I will find them I promise you that. I'll call you when I do."

this quote is from the impossible, it is the most heartbreaking scene I have ever watched...I was crying in the cinema when I went to see this, then again when I got it on dvd and watched it. Ewan Macgregor is amazing, i'll link it.The Impossible Movie CLIP - Phone Call (2012) - Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts Movie HD - YouTube


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"You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period. - Pursuit of happYness


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"herrrrrrrrrrres Johnny!"
-The shining

"This will hurt me more than it will hurt you"


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"The saucers are up there. And the cemetery's out there. But I'll be locked up in there. Now off to your wild blue yonders."

Plan 9 from Outer Space


A recent re-watch of The Sweeney which I adored

led me to an ultimate quote I didn't remember to note from last time

Ray Winstone does get the announcements fairly similar to Schwarzenegger
but less comical and are more head-on... applicable to possibly a soldier's job not the same as a president or Prime Minister's decision-making

Legal cases are mounting for your team, about your tactics of the baseball bat
"You have no idea about what we do and how" in the Metropolitan office, pushing the point, as the slim man shrinks away from him

What it is to me: every house depends on the hardcore ground to be built on

Business executives, financial heads, HR ladies waft about in their suits on the top floor, telling people what to do and pay huge fees to recruit agencies to plop about judging incoming applicants needed to support business databases and reject those people if they don't exhibit a flamboyant wispy style, singing and ballet dancing into the interview room
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