Henry: "Did you hear from anyone yet?"
Family Member: "No, Henry, you're the first to call. Is everybody all right?"
Henry: "Maria and Lucas are not here."
Family Member: "What do you, what do you mean they're not there?"
Henry: "The water came and swept everyone away, and I found, I found Thomas and Simon… and I don't know what to do. I don't know where to look. Lots of people need to use the phone okay? I'll call you later."
Tourist: "You can't leave it like that. Come on."
Henry: "It's me again. Look, I promise you that I won't stop looking until I find them, okay? I don't know what I'm going to do cause it's nighttime now but I'll look in all the hospitals and I look in all the shelters. I will find them I promise you that. I'll call you when I do."
this quote is from the impossible, it is the most heartbreaking scene I have ever watched...I was crying in the cinema when I went to see this, then again when I got it on dvd and watched it. Ewan Macgregor is amazing, i'll link it.
The Impossible Movie CLIP - Phone Call (2012) - Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts Movie HD - YouTube